The Oilers started the season 8-2-2, and on November 3rd many of you were cautiously optimistic that this team was turning the corner, but it wasn’t meant to be. From November 3rd to March 5th you watched the Oilers plunge down the standings going 17-32-4, and in the process found yourself muttering, "next year they’ll be better."


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In the last 22 days you’ve likely gone from muttering those words to believing them as the Oilers are in the midst of another hot streak racking up a 6-2-3 record. However, the Hockey Gods couldn’t let you get too excited as the Oilers announced yesterday that Taylor Hall was going to have labral shoulder surgery and be out five to six months.

Oiler fans will have to wait until next September or October to see Hall celebrating a goal, and if his shoulder surgery goes well, you might see more fist-pumps next year than this year. Of course he might have shoulder issues, but Hall is confident he’ll be a better player next year.

"There has been a lot of times this year where I’ve gone into games where my shoulder has been pretty bad and I had to shy away from hits. To be honest I’ve been playing with a pretty bad shoulder for most of this year and I’m excited to see what I can do when I have a new one."

Hall explained to the media scrum yesterday that his shoulder has bothered him since junior, but it finally wore down this year after taking a heavy hit from Ryan Wilson.

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"It comes from a long time ago, when I injured it in junior. The injury doesn’t really heal itself, instead it just kind of wears away. When I injured it in Colorado I knew I was going to need surgery at the end of the year."

Some could argue that shying away from hits didn’t hurt Hall’s game at all, and when he comes back he might be better served to maintain a part of that mentality.


The key will be not rushing him back in the fall.

If the Oilers want to be a competitive team for many years they damn well better err on the side of caution when it comes to allowing Hall back on the ice. If the is cleared to play, I’d make him wait another two weeks. There is ZERO point in having him come back before he has strengthened all the muscles in his shoulder.

Yesterday Hall was on board with being cautious.

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"There has been players that have had this surgery and they come back to soon, and then they start to have other problems in their shoulder because they’ve come back to soon. I don’t want to rush it at all. I want to rehab it as good as I can, and I don’t want to rush it because that will complicate it more. I want to take the proper time to make it nice and strong."

Wanting and doing are two completely different thought processes though, and I’m curious to see if the organization, and the player, has learned from some previous mistakes of letting players, like Ales Hemsky, come back before they are ready to absorb NHL collisions.

Having successful surgery is the first step. Rehabbing it properly is the next one, but the most important will be how they handle his return. They can’t afford to have Hall re-injuring his shoulder next season.


The last real playoff rival the Oilers had was the Dallas Stars. They met the Stars in the playoffs five years in a row from 1997-2001. After Todd Marchant’s stunning game-seven breakaway goal in 1997, the Oilers lost the next four series. During those five years the Stars became the most hated team amongst Oiler fans.

You hated Belfour and Hatcher while Modano and Zubov made you cringe when they were on the PP. It was the most intense rivalry we’ve seen in Edmonton in the past two decades.

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The animosity isn’t as high right now, but for many of you it wouldn’t take much to ignite those feelings again, and a win over the Stars tonight would be satisfying for many in Oilersnation.

The Stars are in a battle for their playoff lives.

They sit in 7th with 87 points, but they are only two points up on 11th place Calgary. The Stars can’t afford a loss tonight, and after Glen Gulutzan ripped them after Monday’s loss v. the Flames they vowed to be ready tonight. The Stars let their emotions get the best of them in Calgary and they’ll have to be more disciplined tonight.


Jones – RNH – Eberle
Hartikainen – Gagner – Hemsky
Smyth – Horcoff – Petrell
Hordichuk – Belanger – Eager

Smid – Petry
Whitney – Schultz
Sutton – Potter



  • Many are wondering why Hall didn’t have surgery sooner since he’s been hurt since November. It is a fair question, but the medical staff determined he wasn’t going to injure himself anymore by playing. The argument shouldn’t be about the risk of injury, but rather would it have been smarter for next season to have him do the surgery sooner? The risk in saying that to a player in November and December is that you are telling your team the games don’t matter. It is a slippery slope and bordering on a loser mentality.
  • For those asking, Taylor Fedun likely won’t be playing in OKC during the playoffs. He’s had a great recovery, but he still isn’t close to taking body contact. He is focusing on being ready for training camp in September.
  • The NHL needs to be more proactive about their "quiet room" protocol. Last March they sent out this release. Players suspected of having a concussion will be removed from the game and sent to a quiet place free from distraction so they can be examined by the on-site team physician. The physician will use the Sports Concussion Assessment Tool test to evaluate the player. Symptoms include loss of consciousness, motor incoordination or balance problems, a blank or vacant look, slow to get up after a hit to the head, disorientation, clutching of the head after a hit or visible facial injury in combination with another symptom." 
  • The league doesn’t have a designated "quiet room" in rinks, and there is no official timeline on how long the player has to be out of the game. In the past three weeks we’ve seen Jamie Benn, Daniel Sedin and Theo Peckham get rocked, yet they they didn’t leave immediately. Considering the current huge lawsuits in the NFL regarding head injuries, you’d think the NHL would ensure teams are following the guidelines and more importantly protecting the players from themselves.
  • "The problem with going after Benn is he might actually speed bag you, like he did to Iggy a few years ago," said Steve Ott when I asked him if they are concerned  teams will respond in kind if the Stars are going after/playing hard opposing team’s skilled players. The Stars target opposing teams top guys and play them extremely hard. Watch how often one of the Stars will try and get a clean, and sometimes cheap, shot in on Eberle or Nugent-Hopkins.

GAME DAY PREDICTION: The Stars are desperate, but the Oilers have loads of confidence right now. I expected a spirited game tonight that goes more than 60 minutes. Oilers in a SO 4-3.

OBVIOUS GAME DAY PREDICTION: Sheldon Souray rips two slappers high and wide.

NOT-SO-OBVIOUS GAME DAY PREDICTION: Last week I mentioned on my show how today many of us react to a topic/situation for a day, but rarely follow up on it to try to make it change. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that JSBM and Wanye were actually listening. Those three produced a promo for #NugeforCalder that is actually damn good. Many of you will watch it  this afternoon and get jacked up about the Nuge’s chances to win the first Calder trophy in Oiler history.

  • Simpsonite

    Soooooo if, IF, the Nuge doesn’t win the Calder…do you think he comes back next year with a massive chip on his shoulder (one that won’t require surgery later) and rips the NHL a new one and puts up a brazillian points???



  • Wanyes bastard child

    I would love to see Hall moved to center. With his speed, shot & ability to make plays at high speed he is a natural. Put him in the middle with Hemsky on the right & an aggressive, big fore checking type on the left. Nuge & Eberle on the other offensive line & the Oilers would look really from an offensive standpoint. Putting Hall in the middle makes sense to try it anyway?

  • Vaclav

    Last season:

    Skinner – 63 points (31 goals), +3, Less demanding position, easier opposition, non-playoff team

    Couture – 56 points (32 goals), +18, more demanding position, tougher opposition, playoff team

    Clearly the Calder was based solely on points, not some of the other stats and traits Landeskog is being lauded for this year. Be consistent. If RNH has more points…


    • DSF

      Skinner – 63 points (31 goals), +3,

      Couture – 56 points (32 goals) +18

      Landeskog – 49 points (22 goals) +20

      Hopkins – 49 points (18 goals) -2

      Which of these is not like the other?

      • Wanyes bastard child

        Why can’t you just say NUUUUUGGGGEE!! and be a real Oilers fan and cheer for your boy?

        I think most of us know Hopkins is an outside chance but we still pull for him regardless eh.

      • a little more context…

        Skinner – 82 Games Played, 0.77 Points Per Game, 16.43 Avg TOI

        Couture – 79 GP, 0.71 PPG, 17.49 Avg TOI

        Landeskog – 78 GP, 0.63 PPG, 18.34 Avg TOI

        Hopkins – 56 GP, 0.875 PPG, 17.36 Avg TOI

        • DSF

          A little more context.

          Qual Comp
          Landeskog #1
          Hopkins #4

          Ozone Starts
          Landeskog 54%
          Hopkins 62%

          Landeskog 2:08
          Hopkins 3:04

          Landeskog 1:21
          Hopkins 0:02

          Corsi Rel
          Landeskog +14.4
          Hopkins +3.2

          While Hopkins leads in PPG, Landeskog is better at every other aspect of the game.

          The Calder is awarded to the rookie who has the best all round season…not the rookie with the highest PPG especially one who is being sheltered and can’t score much on the road.

          Hopkins has only 17 points in 38 road games.
          Landeskog has scored 27 points 39 games on the road.

          One of these players helps win hockey games much more than the other.

          • Wax Man Riley

            Ok, just for the record. Would you rather have Landeskog win ROTY, or Nug-Ho?

            I see the stats. I’ve watched the games. i know what Landeskog does for his team, but in my heart, I know who I WANT to win…………………….

          • Wax Man Riley


            ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE!!!!!!!!!

          • Wax Man Riley


  • Reg Dunlop

    Flames down 2-0 and going out without much of a fight. This loss, if the oil don’t mount a comeback,means Calgary is unofficially eliminated from the postseason and from relevance for the next decade. Any chance uncle Fester starts rebuild plans soon? Oh thats right they can find someone else to blow it up since they are only a player away from contending.

  • Wanyes bastard child


  • Wanyes bastard child

    I know it was a nothing game and who really cares but that was the most brutally officiated game I have seen this year. At least two Dallas slew foots, Eberle slashed on a breakaway and Souray waterskis off him for another blown call with the ref ten feet away watching it all. Then a pathetic dive called on Whitney. All I ask is for consistency.

  • Quicksilver ballet

    The officiating standard in the NHL is bad.

    The Souray no call when Eberle took him to the school was the first blunder in the third by this officiating crew. Souray hooked Eberle for about 3 steamboats. Souray was in fine waterskiing form on that play. Souray is starting to look like one of the Hatchers brothers out there with his apparant lack of foot speed and mobility.

    The Fiddler Flop on Ryan Whitney’s leg was rated a perfect ten by the french judge. I guess if your leg is just hanging out there and a guy skates into it then and he flops onto the ice like dead trout, that’s a penalty.

    Then the was Phantom Mary Kay Make-up call (coined ala Bob Stauffer)on the Dallas player with 5 minutes to go that would not of been a penalty circa 2006 post lockout standard was deemed an offence by this bush league band of inbred zebras.

    And then there was call on Jones in the corner. Two guys going into the corner and granted Jones pulled Goligoski around, both guys were battling. I guess the penalty goes to the bigger stronger player, for essentially being bigger then the other guy during a puck battle. If that was Souray, theres no fall and theres no call.

    • cableguy - 2nd Tier Fan

      he is still emotionally distraught after his gagner = wellwood comparison from earlier this year..

      you know, the one that has gagner outscoring wellwood both this season and in their careers even though gagner is 6 years younger and has played less games.

      i give him credit for still standing in there and trying. it is almost to the point of feeling sorry for him….

  • DieHard

    RNH is by far the better player. Just watch how he plays. Lands is good and will have a fine career but you can see there is no comparison. RNH makes plays, has excellent skates, can pivot on a dime, makes passes no one else even thinks about. He deserves it – no question.

  • Quicksilver ballet

    Those are some of the sweetest beer league jerseys I have ever seen.

    I kinda wish the Calder was a more clear cut winner. For example if you won 300 games as a pitcher you were getting inducted to the hall there was no if ans or buts. With the Calder last year Cam Fowler should have won it hands down imo but Skinner won it. Why? cause he had the most points, fair enough. Well this year Landenskog is going to win it cause the Avs might make the playoffs. Well if thats the case then Fowler should have won it over Skinner cause Anaheim made the playoffs and Fowler played extrememly well as a rookie, while Skinner rakced up the points on a poor team like Nuge is with the Oilers. Point Im making is if they do the same thing as last year Nuge should win the Calder but for some reason this year they are flipping to whatever team makes the playoffs with their rookie. Its kind of annoying how Hockey doesnt stay traditional like Baseball IN MY OPINION.

    The thing with the rivalry with Dallas is they didnt piss and moan and dive and neither did the Oilers. They played eachother extremely hard and thats what you didnt like about them but also made it intense to watch. It was a healthy rivalry and fun to watch opposed to the friggen Canucks and how lame they are when they get annoyed.

    One other thing for people to discuss if they have read this far is: I want the Oil to re sign Petrell cause he is a perfect 13th forward (Maltby like career?)

  • Time Travelling Sean

    RNH has played 20 less games, and is on a worse team, of course his +/- is gonna suck. Oh and we’re number 1/2 on the PP, what’s Colorado’s PK rank? 16th? and what was it the last 3 years? probably in that same range.


    Oh and I love Petrell, whenever I play NHL12 I always have him on my 4th line, no matter what.