The Perfect Jacket

Fedor Tyutin has a wide range of skills, is an established NHL player and is signed by his team (Columbus) through 2018. Why then would the Jackets trade him?

Why WOULD Columbus deal a quality defenseman like Fedor Tyutin? The same reason Rick Nash will be offloaded this summer: the club is going to rebuild and that means young players in, old and expensive players out. Tyutin has a $4.5M cap hit on a contract that kicks in next season and won’t end until 2018. Much of that contract will see the Jackets adding youth and losing hockey games–something Oiler fans have seen a lot of over the years.

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Trading Tyutin should bring back quality in terms of picks, prospects and or younger and less expensive players.



Columbus’ zone starts overall reflect a team that’s playing on a slanted field: EVERYONE has an offensive zone start below 50%. I hesitate to suggest these numbers are anything beyond random, it doesn’t look like the coach has a preference in this area. Tyutin’s in the middle of the graph but I don’t think we can regard it as a strength or weakness.  We do see that he’s used a lot at even strength ( has him 18 minutes a night at evens, which ranks him 57th in the entire league) a lot.


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We see from this graph that Tyutin faces the toughest available competition available to the Jackets. The margin is pretty wide between the veteran and the rest of the group (save for Nikitin who came over during the season from St. Louis, thus making his numbers here less than pure).

I think we’re safe in assuming that Tyutin is a tough minutes defenseman relied upon heavily by his coach.


This is a very nice number based on where he’s hitting in the batting order. Toughest competition, 2nd best Corsi Rel. The puck is moving in a very good direction when Tyutin is on the ice compared to what’s happening the rest of the game.

Tyutin’s boxcars (66, 5-21-26 minus 21) may give the appearance that he’s ineffective or overwhelmed. However, -21 on the Jackets–based on toughness of competition–isn’t a terrible number. Tyutin is climbing a mountain most games, and has also been healthy. On a poor hockey club that’s a recipe for a large minus number.

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  • EV: 18:00 a game, 4-9-13
  • PP: 3:18 a game, 1-11-12
  • PK: 2:49 a game, 0-1-1

This tells us Tyutin is in fact a complete defenseman, playing big minutes in all three disciplines. His offense on the PP is solid, a deeper team might cut back on that PP time and use it at even strength or the PK. Either way, these numbers suggest that Tyutin is a useful NHL player with a wide range of skills.



Fedor Tyutin is perhaps the most attractive option we’ve looked at so far in this series. He has good size for an NHL defenseman, is mobile and adept at moving the puck. He’s been healthy (this season aside, he broke his right hand earlier this month and is out indefinitely). He is signed to a long contract, could come into the organization and serve as a legit top pairing option and he could also mentor some of the youngsters coming along. The pricetag would be heavy, but the Oilers have picks, prospects and young NHL players in abundance.

This might be a very good match for both sides.

Previously in this series

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  • A-Mc

    Hmm yes i am certainly most intrigued by this series entry.

    At the beginning of the series you mentioned that you were going to present players we’d want but that didn’t mean they were even remotely attainable. Am i reading too much into your article by thinking that you think there is a chance that the Oilers could go for him and land it?

    If you believe that this is possible, what kind of personnel would we be looking at handing over?

    Is this a Gagner/Peckham for Tyutin type trade? (Young skilled centerman and gritty up and come’r D) Or are we looking at having to move someone more significant like a Hemsky for Tyutin?

    • Lowetide

      I think there’s a window of opportunity. No damn way the owner spends a bunch of money during the losing years, and Tyutin’s contract–while not mind boggling–has a lot of zero’s.

      In terms of payment, I think the Oilers would have to give up one of their very good young defense prospects and a very good young forward. Just a guess, though.

      Nipple? I have no idea what you two are talking about.

      • A-Mc

        Very good young Defense? As in, Petry? I wouldn’t do that trade.

        We need to add defense ON TOP OF our already decent guys. Trading a good guy for a good guy that costs more money is only … costing us more money.

        Or are you talking about Decent prospects like Teubert?

        Can you name a couple names, for example sake. I’m not sure i understand what caliber would be needed to get Tyutin.

        • Lowetide

          No, I’m not talking Petry–he’s about to get paid. I’m talking about Marincin or someone along those lines.

          Plus a very good young forward. It’s going to take a couple of excellent young players imo–and maybe a draft pick too.

  • O.C.

    Is he tough and can block shots? Can he skate or is he a pylon? First pass? Does having him at 4.5M suddenly make it tougher to sign current roster?

    These are questions I need to know.

    Record in and out of lineup is a cool stat too.

    Also, for those who have been following…

    “@dchesnokov: Police on Shtalenkov disappearance: “It turned out he was getting drunk with his friends. Case closed.” Well then…”

    Someone is in the basement of a doghouse right now.

  • Lexi

    This guy makes a lot of sense for the Oil. As someone said the contract is reasonable, but has a lot of 0s for a rebuilding team losing as much money as Columbus is. Tyutin has always looked competent and steady in the games I have seen.

    I’ve got to think Omark, a defensive prospect and a 2nd round pick at least gets the conversation started. I do also like the theory of when in doubt trade with an organization in a state of flux, rather than a strong one.

    If we get this guy what is the over/under on Principe saying “Rootin Tyutin” between now and 2018.

    • Petr's Jofa

      6 Years

      82 games/year

      3 periods for Gene to introduce

      =over/under of 1476

      The only uncertanty with 1476 is how many playoff games he plays vs how many games he misses due to injury.

  • canucknnv

    yes, I too like this post and think that Tyutin is a reasonable and affordable option for the team but sadly Mr. Tambo doesn’t read this and he’s more than likely looking under different rocks. I would give up Omark, Marincin and a 4th to secure this guys services without blinking although the price probably isn’t that steep.

  • vetinari

    Don’t believe those Ruskie Police. They are in on it.

    Anyways, I don’t think we should start trading away really good prospects like Marincin just yet. Peckham, sure. Omark, sure.
    Marincin and Gernat? No thanks. Are we trying to decimate our future so that we will have to rebuild again?

    We need to have up and comers for the future. This guy is highly paid, I don’t think he will command that high a price.

    Omark, Peckham and our 3rd, which is basically a 2nd?

    I’d rather exhaust UFA signings first, but I guess that is slim to none.

    • Petr's Jofa

      Ya I don’t like the Idea of trading Marincin one little bit. The guy could become an amazing player from the looks of it. I could support maybe Whitney and Omark or Omark and Peckham + , I would also hesitate to try and Grab a player from the worst team in the league. Look at what has happened with a bunch of players we sent away. A bunch aren’t in the NHL anymore others have taken steps backwards. Granted some have improved but Penner looked like a good player on a bad team and looks at hes doing now.

  • vetinari

    First labia surgery and now nipples, this week isn’t shaping up too bad at all. I wonder what crazy thing will come up tomorrow……………..Jeff Carter gets a c*ck ring at request of teammates wife………hmmmmm

  • justDOit

    A little off topic, but something I noticed during the last BJs game.

    I now know why they’re called the Blue Jackets: when you look at the crowd, it appears there are a lot of people wearing blue, but that’s just all the empty seats!

  • vetinari

    I’ve always thought Tyutin would be a good addition to the Oilers and remember when he went to Columbus. He’s physical, got some offence, can skate and knows his defensive zone play.

    Maybe a package featuring Omark, a defenceman or two out of Peckham, Plante, Chorney, or Teubert and/or a second rounder or so would spring him loose from Columbus?

  • book¡e

    What about Nikita Nikitin? He’s a whole lot younger and RFA at the end of the year. I’d love to see someone do a WOWY type of post on him and Tyutin. They’re both being killed by goaltending, but other than that, have very impressive ES stats.

  • biased observer

    Dammit Lowetide. Tag your ladies names. Some of us are not as old as you.

    Oh and my vote goes to Justin Shultz and Fedor Tyutin in your series… Using Peckham, Pitlick, and 3rd rounders as bait.