The Paajarvi Recall/Non-Recall

The Edmonton Oilers ended up looking a little silly yesterday. First, they recalled Magnus Paajarvi. Tom Renney talked about him playing on the top line with Nugent-Hopkins and Eberle. Then, the Oilers had to return Paajarvi to the AHL after the NHL informed them they’d used their allotted four post-deadline recalls.

What does it mean?

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The Paajarvi Camp

I tweeted Gunnar Svenson, the agent for Magnus Paajarvi last night, to ask if the Oilers had offered them any explanation for the abortive recall. His response:

No Jonathan. But the Oilers meant well. They liked to have Magnus up. But the CBA rules could be complicaded (sic)

It would seem that there aren’t any hard feelings on that end of things, which is probably the most important thing here.

The Actual Mechanics of the Recall

Here is the list of the Oilers’ post-deadline recalls, courtesy of the AHL’s official website, which tracks things like this:

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  • February 27: Oilers recall Magnus Paajarvi
  • March 5: Oilers recall Linus Omark
  • March 14: Oilers recall Teemu Hartikainen
  • March 24: Oilers recall Chris VandeVelde
  • March 30: Oilers recall Magnus Paajarvi

As we can see, there are five recalls. As has been much-publicized, only four recalls are permitted after the deadline.

Two of these transactions in particular are interesting: the February 27 recall of Paajarvi and the March 24 recall of VandeVelde.

Here’s what Dan Tencer had to say about the Paajarvi transaction:

The Oilers had previously assigned and recalled Paajarvi as a paper transaction to get him eligible for OKC playoffs.

That’s the transaction that many forgot about – because Paajarvi never really went anywhere. The Oilers simply wanted to ensure that Paajarvi could play in the AHL without actually sending him down. The irony is that Paajarvi didn’t end up playing another game for the Oilers under his paper recall – the Oilers sent him down (in what turned out to be for good) on March 1 without him dressing once more. So, the Oilers could have sent him down with no negative consequences then, and not have burned one of their four recalls uselessly.

Derek Van Diest has suggested that the Oilers felt the Vande Velde recall was an “emergency” recall (recall –hehe- that he was brought up to fill in for Shawn Horcoff after the latter injured his back) but as Tyler Dellow explains that defense makes literally no sense:

Where I would assume that this gets problematic is that, come Wednesday night, Horcoff and Petrell are good to go. Omark and Vande Velde are healthy scratches. At which point, the Oilers are in breach of 13.12(m)(i) because they haven’t returned Vande Velde promptly to OKC. How do you resolve this? It appears that the NHL took the utterly reasonable route of simply treating Vande Velde as the Oilers fourth recall in the post trade deadline period.

Who made the mistake? Terry Jones, to his credit, asked Kevin Lowe for the answer to that one. Here, in part, is what Lowe told him:

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“It wasn’t Tambellini at all. And I’d hate to see Ricky [Olczyk, the Oilers’ assistant general manager] take a hit on this. He is impeccable when it comes to dealing with all of this.”

Lowe also took time to complain about the rule (he described it as “ludicrous”) but that’s really irrelevant window dressing. Regardless of whether the Oilers like the rules or not, they’re responsible for understanding the rules and following them.

Does It Matter?

In the grand scheme of things, will the Oilers’ failure to recall Magnus Paajarvi have any impact on the team’s ability to win games, on the long-term viability of the rebuild, or anything else? No. All it means, from that standpoint, is that the Oilers don’t get to keep Paajarvi for a short-term cup of coffee in a meaningless season.

The Oilers do end up looking silly. That isn’t good but it’s hardly the end of the world, either.

The real question that this raises publicly is whether or not the Oilers front office is especially good at what they do. This isn’t the first time the question has come up. From my profile of Rick Olczyk, a brief history:

As with any assistant general manager, we don’t have a full-picture view of Olczyk – the majority of his decisions and takes on things are spelled out internally and unlike with a team’s general manager we can’t really determine what those decisions were from the direction of the team. There are, however, some interesting points. One of the interesting things to come out of the Dany Heatley boondoggle was the fact that apparently both the Oilers and Senators were confused about when Heatley’s bonus was payable, which reflects badly on Olczyk. Then there was the time the Oilers may have been confused by Gilbert Brule’s waiver eligibility. Then there was that time that someone high up in the organization didn’t know how long the team had to sign Teemu Hartikainen. Again, it needs to be emphasized that we’re constructing a picture based on glimpses, but those sorts of things look really bad.

Again, it needs to be emphasized that the picture we’re getting is far less than whole. I certainly don’t feel I’m in a position to objectively evaluate Rick Olczyk’s job performance; I simply don’t have the information to do that. To my knowledge, nobody outside the Oilers’ organization has the necessary information to do that.

What we do have are these little gaffes.  Apparent confusion about the payment of Dany Heatley’s bonus (though the Oilers weren’t alone on that) and Gilbert Brule’s waiver eligibility.  There was some definite confusion (from an unnamed Oilers source) on when the deadline was to sign Teemu Hartikainen.  And now, an embarassing little incident where they recalled a player they weren’t allowed to recall.  None of these things assure us that the Oilers are running a professional shop.

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  • The 'Real' Ron Burgundy

    Someone is to blame here. It may be Rick’s job to keep track of it, but whomever is his boss(be it Lowe or ‘Slackellini’) is supposed to be in charge and sign off on all transactions.

    If the management can’t properly plan something as simple as maximizing 4 remaining call-ups, how on Earth can we expect them to plan for ANYTHING harder….like building a team that can compete for the playoffs.

  • Reg Dunlop

    I don’t feel too confident with a guy named Ricky in a position of authority. Maybe to set up strippers for a stag, but not to help plan the path of the oil. Kevin Lowe, sure if you need someone to fall on the puck in the corner at the end of a tight game, not so much as a GM.

    Any chance Katz gets wind of this in his palatial Vancouver estate or is he too excited about the hometown Canuck playoff chances?

  • Zed

    Small things are just what they are. Small. Put them in a jar and eventually the jar becomes full.

    From the big boss’ perspective, I’m curious on how full the jar is on some of the folks mentioned in this article.

  • As a matter of fact, the entire Oilers Public Relations Staff should be looked at: Website links that do not link to anything, or to the wrong feature; the Website does not resize for portrait orientation on mobile devices, or does not recognize when a device changed orientation; lousy video and audio quality that alternates between barely audible and blowing out speakers, even within the same interview – the list goes on and on and on.

    I am an Oilers Fan from way back – they can do no wrong, in my mind – but I thank God wayyyyy to often, than should be necessary (considering the Oilers are an entertainment business first and foremost) that the rest of the league does not spend much time looking at what this organization presents to its Fans. Those looking would inevitably come to the conclusion that “Mickey Mouse” accurately describes this organization’s public relations efforts (quoting a former Oilers Great, who at the time spoke about an organization, which today is exemplary in how it communicates with its public). This, too, should be part of the Rebuild; get it together, Oilers …

  • Quicksilver ballet

    The optics of this are on par for a 29th place club. The players know they’ll have to be patient while the management group gets its ship together.

    That’s the beauty of this management team the Oilers have in place. On a team, nobody has to take the blame for poor performance.

  • 50 in 39

    It seems to me this is the problem with leaving Lowe in an adviser or elder statesman role. Nobody knows for sure who to hold accountable for what. If extensions are handed out all around, we will know that either these guys have been given the mandate to fail or that the management structure is so inept that it cannot provide accountability for anyone’s actions. Either way the pile is starting to stink and needs to be put outside.

    • Quicksilver ballet

      Maybe he’s just fed up with multiple 30th place/next to last place finishes. If this isn’t a time and place for criticism, could you please tell us when is?

      Is what’s happened here in Edmonton the last 5 yrs normal/acceptable to you?

      • No it’s definitely not acceptable and Oiler fans have a right to voice their opinion. They should just be prepared to be called out if it’s an arguable or ridiculous point. DSF does not argue pertinent points/issues. He throws out blanket statements that are either meaningless or inaccurate. So it bothers people. Much like Madjam and people of that ilk.

  • @ D S F:

    You didn’t argue that the Oilers would be way better off if Tallon were in charge. You argued these sorts of embarrassments wouldn’t happen, which is an argument totally devoid of historical merit.

    Under Tallon, a series of RFA’s were about to become UFA’s because the Blackhawks didn’t file qualifying offers in time. Tallon then had to scramble, signing many of them to much higher contracts simply to keep them on the team.

    Tallon might be the world’s greatest GM (he isn’t, but that’s another argument) – but that was immaterial to this discussion.

  • Giant Squid Overlord

    Don’t forget Lowe drafting a non-eligible player in the entry draft a few years back.

    Still,these mistakes do cause me a little concern, but at the same time they are hardly significant, and the brass need to be evaluated on their faults and merits. If Tambo pulls off a GREAT trade at the draft, should we really care about these little blips? All they are is fuel for the “fire management” side and something to talk about at the end of a disappointing season.

  • The 'Real' Ron Burgundy

    The “official broadcaster” claimed they were told the recall was run past the NHL 2 days in advance and the unofficial answer was to proceed as per the Tambi quote:

    “We believed we had confirmation to recall Magnus in one of our four call-ups after the trade deadline”

    So it’s either:

    * there was some real confusion at the NHL office as well re: whether or not to count the deadline phantom recall.

    * or someone’s lying and it’s more serious.

    LT suggested today that the real issue is that they’ve made their bed and the bad optics just reinforce what everyone already thinks.

    Imagine what Katz would have said if Tambi had told him we’re concerned about the optics if official ruling changes so we’re keeping the player at OKC an extra day while we wait for the official ruling.

    Katz has to decide is he trusts these guys. This is the least of his worries.

    • There’s actually another interpretation.

      The possibility exists that the VandeVelde recall was an emergency recall, and the NHL said ‘yeah, sure, you’ve got another recall’ *before* the Oilers decided not to send VandeVelde back down.

      Then, the Oilers called up Paajarvi, and the NHL said, ‘you’ve used your four recalls because you never sent VandeVelde back down after your roster emergency was concluded.’

      I’m not saying that’s what happened. I’m saying that it’s a plausible scenario that would fit with what we’re hearing.

      • DSF

        JW, On CHED they said 2 days before they tried to send down MPS. So that would fit a Wed discussion before the players returned.

        “When an emergency condition terminates, the Club must submit a transfer form indicating whether the Player’s status has converted to regular recall or is assigned to his minor league club.”

        So you was it already too late the minute Horcoff dressed or is their typically some leeway to file if you scratch the replacement? Were they already committed to Vandervelde using a spot Wed. night? Or sometime Thursday. Or the minute papers were submitted for MPS without any papers for Vandervelde?

  • Giant Squid Overlord

    Come to think of it, that draft “FAIL” probably could be attributed to Pendergast who I believe was the man in charge for the draft, so it probably doesn’t apply to current management. Please correct me if I’m wrong about this.

  • Does it matter? The answer can be found in the article…..

    “Does It Matter?

    In the grand scheme of things, will the Oilers’ failure to recall Magnus Paajarvi have any impact on the team’s ability to win games, on the long-term viability of the rebuild, or anything else? NO. All it means, from that standpoint, is that the Oilers don’t get to keep Paajarvi for a short-term cup of coffee in a meaningless season.”

  • RexLibris

    Thanks for the article, Jonathan. Flames fans were laughing pretty hard last night and are using this as a jumping off point to say that the Oilers are going to fall apart when the contract negotiations open up next January, implying, of course, that “there is no way that the Oilers can afford to sign all of this talent even though it will turn out not to be very good in the end”.

    When I first heard about this the Dale Tallon/ Stan Bowman scenario was the first one that came to mind. Oh, and that embarassing Darryl Sutter “we only have enough cap space to dress 15 skaters” incident a few years back.

    This does make me a little concerned about Rick Olczyk though. This team is going to need a very steady and sharp mind at the helm of the cap situation next year and the year’s following. As well, the next CBA isn’t likely to be negotiated any more clearly or simplistically.

    I’m not going to say that Olczyk needs to be fired. His job and performance are too nebulous for outsiders to properly assess for that to be declared. However, I can’t say that I am filled with much confidence in this area of the organization at the moment.

    • DSF

      Great post.

      It’s unlikely that Tambellini was directly responsible for this snafu (more likely Olczyk) just as it is unlikely Tallon was directly responsible for mailing his qualifying offers rather than using a courier but the buck has to stop somewhere and the guy in charge normally takes the heat as Tallon did.

      While this is a less serious issue, it doesn’t look good on the Tambelinni regime.

      Combined with his history of lack of communication and ham handed dismissal of Quinn, Prendergast and the shoddy handling of the Souray issue among others, you have to wonder how Katz views these ongoing issues.

  • The poster formerly known as Koolaid drinker #33

    If we were a competitive team, then this would just get swept under the rug. Since we’re not, this is just more fuel for the ‘fire management’ crew. I don’t think it’s a big deal but this management team has yet to prove that they actually know what they are doing. The rebuild has bought them years of ‘keeping things in perspective’ but incidents like this sure don’t inspire any confidence.

  • Wanyes bastard child

    So… With Petry, Smid and Pecker not going on the road trip that puts our defense at Shultz/Whitney, Potter/Sutton and Teubert/Barker. QSB must be happy since it looks like we have a chance to catch Montreal now 🙁

  • Wanyes bastard child

    D S F is a different userid than DSF
    Display Name: D S F
    Joined: October 21 2010 06:54PM
    Display Name: DSF
    Joined: February 02 2010 01:01PM

    If you google oilersnation users1967 the current google index shows that user 1967 was recently Koolaid Drinker #33.

    Google shows Koolaid Drinker #33 posts back to 2010.

    And there is this old post form “D S F”

    #51 D S F December 22 2011, 09:42PM
    When Eberle scores his trick tonight, I will change my handle to Koolaid Drinker #33.

    Either googles all messed up today or….

  • PutzStew

    This pisses me off ….

    “It wasn’t Tambellini at all. And I’d hate to see Ricky [Olczyk, the Oilers’ assistant general manager] take a hit on this. He is impeccable when it comes to dealing with all of this.”

    We all know it was his fault, it is Rick’s job after all. And hey we all make mistakes. What bothers me the most is hearing that F** A**hole Lowe throw another person under the bus. Yep good way to show accountability.

    I haven’t agreed with Lowe for a long time but I always respected him because some of the chances I had to meet him in the 80’s. After hearing crap like that, well it tops things off. Lowe and Tambi have gotten rid of coaches, training staff, admin staff and scouts all because they are bad for the team. This error just gives them another “out” when the need to “get rid of someone for for the good of the team”. There are so many better ways you could have phased…such poor leadership for the general.

    Kevin, you are looser. You don’t deserve the job you have and to be honest I am going to forget that you ever had anything to do with this once great team. Please don’t let the door hit you on a** on the way out.


  • DieHard

    Just trying to give PRV some NHL time on top line prior to hopefully a long run with AHL playoffs. Some questionable issues regarding the call-ups. For Christ sake, go fot it. You did and it didn’t fly. Oh well, NOBODY FREAKIN DIED