The nagging left shoulder problem Taylor Hall aggravated against the Dallas Stars Friday kept him off the ice for practice today in California and the Edmonton Oilers might have to get along without him against the Anaheim Ducks Monday.

After a day away from the rink for a team golf outing with owner Daryl Katz in Palm Springs on Saturday, Hall, was noticeably absent from the ice today. While coach Tom Renney characterized it as a maintenance day, the day off comes after Hall tweaked the shoulder on a hit by Mark Fistric in the first period of 3-1 loss to the Stars.

Hall originally injured the shoulder on a hit by Ryan Wilson of the Colorado Avalanche Nov. 26 and missed seven games. He was in noticeable discomfort when taken down by Fistric, although he did finish the game. While Renney said after the game Hall had banged his elbow and jarred the shoulder, it looked more to me like he stressed the shoulder again when he tried to brace his fall — along the same lines as he did when slammed into the boards by Wilson. 

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"Just a maintenance day," Renney said. "He’s got an issue with a shoulder there as everybody knows. T.D. (trainer T.D. Forss) decided we should keep him off to let it settle down, which is a good move. Hoping he’s fine in the morning, we’ll see what happens."

"An issue with a shoulder?" "Hoping he’s fine?" That’s not my definition of "a maintenance day," but that might be splitting hairs. The bottom line is the Oilers have to be extremely careful with Hall. Better safe now with rest and letting it heal than needing surgery later.

We’ll get more of an idea how serious Hall tweaked it at the morning skate on Monday.


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— There’s a chance Hall’s nagging shoulder could prompt Renney to call up a forward from the Oklahoma City Barons, although no such move has been confirmed as of right now.

The likeliest candidate for that call would seem to be Linus Omark because he fits in a top-six role up front. The other option would be to go with seven defensemen. If that’s the case, it’s a good bet Theo Peckham will get back in the line-up after long stretch as a scratch.

— While there’s good reason to get Peckham back in after 14 games watching from the press box, you’d think the Oilers would want to get a look at Omark as he needs a new contract July 1. Then again, maybe they’ve seen enough and have already made a call on his future or lack of same here.

— It’ll be interesting to see what lines Renney ices against the Ducks. The Oilers have been feeble, to say the least, on the attack 5-on-5 in their last couple of games. They had just 20 shots in the loss to Dallas and 24 in a 5-2 loss to St. Louis last Wednesday.

Listen to Robin Brownlee Wednesdays and Thursdays from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. on the Jason Gregor Show on TEAM 1260.

    • From the Oilers earlier this morning:


      General Manager Steve Tambellini announced today the Edmonton Oilers have recalled left-winger Linus Omark from the Oklahoma City Barons of the American Hockey League. Omark, 25, has played 18 games this year with the Barons recording six goals and 10 assists. The 5’10”, 180-pound Overtornea, Sweden native has also played in five games with the Oilers this season. In 56 career NHL games Omark has 27 points (5G, 22A). Omark was selected by Edmonton in the 4th round, 97th overall, in the 2007 NHL Entry Draft.”

  • From what I understand the refs want the kids to earn there respect before they will start making calls to protect them.the other teams can get away with mugging them thus making them less effective 5X5. Linus can seem to handle the rough stuff so it might be nice to get some games in for him.

  • Time Travelling Sean

    I love the way Taylor plays. Worth the price of admission. I mean Dallas wins games sure, but no one goes to them cause they’re god boring.

    At least Hall has some flash/excitement. Stimulating to watch. Not vapid.

    He’s reckless, aggressive, he just needs to get some finish and we’ll have the 50 goal scorer we drafted.

    His health is concerning but he’ll learn awareness of what spots to be/body positioning/leg strength and balance.

    His recklessness is fun to watch though.

    And is he even out? or are you speculating?

  • Good read.

    I could be wrong but this may just be a maturity issue. Sooner or later Hall’s going to realize he can pick his spots and be just as affective.

    The big plus in this is when that kid starts to fill out, the speed at which he plays at, I think you’re going to see a lot more defense man bail on the play instead of trying to take him out. I think Hall will be just fine.

    As for Omark, I find it hard how the Oilers can keep him long term, he’s another small player that might be better off in another organization.

    • You’re right about the maturity issue, although I’d characterize it more as gamesmanship.

      The trick is learning to pick “when and where” before you’ve got a chronically bad shoulder or knee etc to deal with that takes years off your career.

      I didn’t see Friday’s play as high-risk, but the result is a pretty good hint that left shoulder isn’t completely healed yet.

  • From Matheson in this morning’s EJ:

    “Taylor Hall, who tweaked his left shoulder when whacked by Mark Fistric early in the Edmonton Oilers’ 3-1 loss Friday to the Dallas Stars, might not play against the Ducks in Anaheim on Monday night.

    Hall didn’t practise Sunday after-noon after the Oilers’ Saturday golf outing with owner Daryl Katz in Palm Springs, Calif.

    Oilers coach Tom Renney wouldn’t rule out Hall for the game with the Ducks, who are in a mad scramble for a playoff spot in the Western Conference, but the Oilers have been in contact with their American Hockey League farm team to see about perhaps bringing up a healthier body.”

  • Time Travelling Sean

    A question:Is Ovechkin not playing to what we’re accustomed to because his body is wearing down? Or is it all on him being lazy? or unmotivated? or the system? Cause I remember a lot of people worry about the game he plays taking a toll on his play.

    Not that Hall plays as physical a game as Ovechkin, but they do play a game on speed, and they like to skate through people.

  • I say play 7 defenseman tonight putting barker on a wing maybe third or 4th line. If Hall looks like he is going to need more time off then call someone up.

    I’ll be honest I don’t really want to see Omark called up, I would rather keep him down in OKC with MPS and Lander for a while longer especially if he is only going to get 1 or 2 games anyway.

  • He’ll be fine, Hall just needs to fill out a bit more. When he finally grows into his shoulders and is tipping the scale at 210lbs+ we will be seeing more headlines of “insert defenseman here… is out the next 2-3 games due to his collision with Hall”

    This year is pretty much over so let the kid rest. Nuge and Eberle will carry the load for a game or two.

    • Finally grows into his shoulders? I’m not getting what you mean.

      Hall’s mature weight will have little or no bearing on possible long-term shoulder problems if an issue exists now.

      Ethan Moreau weighed 215 and had chronic problems. So did Mike Grier, and he was 230 and built like a fire truck.

      You don’t “grow into” your shoulders.

      • The big difference between Hall and Grier/Moreau, even throw Souray into it is that those 3 will initiate more contact which takes more of a toll on their bodies. If Moreau was only 195lbs it’s likely he’d be injured more than he was over his career.

        As for Hall, if you take a look at his bone structure he has a lot of room to add muscle to his frame, specifically in his chest/shoulders. Mr. Bennett even said so last year.

        Growing into his shoulders was not the best term, I am referring to his mature weight (I like that, thanks). I’m not sure what his measurements are currently but for arguments sake if he has a 44″ chest and in 3 years he develops into a 47″ chest with the body fat % he will be far more likely to be able to absorb more punishment without injury. At the same time he’ll be able to dish it out much easier as well.

        Just to provide an example: if you look at guys like Kovalchuk, J. Benn and E. Staal they were all taller when drafted but it took a few years to fill out and grow into their bodies. Now all three can be physically dominant and I expect to see the same from Hall in the next couple of years.

  • I'm a Scientist!

    Omark has been recalled. Didn’t he just play Friday, Saturday and Sunday? Hmm… I am willing to bet a buncha donuts that he is put on the 4th line.


  • I belive Omark has a chance to be a good second liner in this league i just think he has to take on the attitude of less is more he tries to hard to be flashy sometimes and it costs him with that being said i love his creativety just needs to pick his spots

      • oilymos

        I also posted as Justin Charron sorry was just testing out my profile but to your question sometimes the negativity in this city sourounding the oilers gets to me so i guess what i was really trying to say was blah blah blah with all the negative comments and just win baby .

          • oilymos

            Not just the news the fans are really negative in this town lots of knee jerk reacting to things. One minute Hall is the next coming of the great one and with the same breath he cant skate and is fragile or Omark is so talented but or Gagner is on fire but… i just want people to get behind these guys and stay there. Know what i mean?

  • @ Brownlee

    Do you suggest keeping Hall out for the remainder of the season? It would make sense to allow time to heal now before going into the off season hurt and not training properly in the off season.

    Do the Oilers at the very least giving him easier minutes with second pairing defense?

    Is there not a strength test they have to reach to show that the shoulder/arm/chest all can handle certain weight? Certain movements under strain? Or do the players just say I’m good to go?

    • I can’t say with any certainty what the approach with Hall should be because the exact nature of the original injury and what happend Friday hasn’t been made known to us.

      Is it pain, re-injury or both? I don’t know.

  • oilymos

    Hall still playing like he did in Jr. hockey. Charges up the ice at 100miles and hour, and dosnt fisnih his play in most cases, or makes a wild shot and misses the net. Seldom uses his team mates to create a unified and structured attack. Often skating [high speed ] with his head down…. someone is going to hurt this guy one day.. not good.Like other say here he needs to and will build his muscles to handle the heavy slugging of the NHL. He’s not the only one.Gagner afater 4 years is still playing with”snow on his pants These are minor fixes, but I dont see that happening with the current coaching staff….. two years later still playing the same way..

  • Bleak Winter

    Well, bad news about Hall, but judging by the way his legs went into the boards at full flight I was somewhat surprised to see him get up, and even more surprised he was holding his shoulder. That incident could have just as easily been really bad for his ankles/knees/hips/femur.

  • oilymos

    Havent we been waiting for a guy that goes 100 miles an hour i recall us being timid and easy to play against for far to long. The second you curb that or ask him to change the way he plays he loses that competitive edge. I agree Hall needs to use his teamates more but hes used to carrying his teams and he will figure it out . He is just a kid.

  • Quicksilver ballet

    By the looks of that first photo it sure looks as though off season surgery may be on Hallsys agenda in May. At first, while watching the game on Friday i thought it was the cross check by Fistric that created the problem on the play for Taylor. Seeing a pain free expression on his face tells us the pain arrived when his body weight transfered up into his shoulder after hitting the ice while his arm is in that vulnerable extended posiition.

    There also looks to be a strap pulling on his jersey trying to keep that elbow within 12″ of his torso. Not alot has changed with those braces from when i had to wear one it looks. Have you seen one of those torso to bicep braces hanging in his locker Robin?