Hello there Nation Readers. You haven’t heard from me before. I am one of the two guys who do the work behind the scenes that keeps this whole machine trucking along. We built and maintain the sites, book the ad campaigns, do all the customer support stuff and now make sure that the draft prizes get sent and the gear goes out in a regular fashion.

And we have been seeing all the requests on twitter and emails for more NationGear. People really like it and now that it has actually gone out into the world and people are wearing it around they want more. And people who didn’t get any now want it too.

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Now Wanye thinks that gear shouldn’t be sold more than once. Something about a documentary he watched on the House of Gucci where you have to keep supply low to make demand high.

That’s great but we are the guys who make sure the "money coming in equals the money going out" and so we have made the executive decision to do one more week of hoodies, Squee and Yak City tee shirts. We didn’t ask Wanye about this and he will surely freak out. But he is gone wandering around the world and can’t do much about it can he?

As always a portion of the proceeds will be going to local Edmonton charities. We will let Wanye pick who exactly when he gets home and gives us both hell for selling his precious gear without his say so.

So if you want some NationGear clothing go on over to the store by clicking here. Sales will go for one week and will close off April 2nd at some point.

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Thanks for your support as always everyone!