Just in time for Christmas – our supplier assures us they will ship in time – we have re-released OilersNation hoodies and introduced CanucksArmy and TheLeafsNation hoodies for the sexy hockey fan on Santa’s list this year.

The disillusioned few who call themselves fans of the Calgary Flames may wonder where the FlamesNation hoodies are. Well friends they don’t exist. Take that Calgary and fans of the Flames. BAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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*wipes eyes, looks at Oilers in 31st place in the standings in the NHL and frowns*

Anywhoo, as always a portion of the sales of NationGear go to deserving local charities. This time a portion of all proceeds go to the Children’s hot lunch program at the Amiskwaciy Academy in Edmonton. 

For only $60 you too can purchase a hoodie that was once described as "decent looking I’ll admit" by a hipster that stopped us on the street to ask where we got ours.

Click here to get yours.

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