We did it! I can’t believe the Oilers won the lottery! McDavid is coming to Edmonton!… probably.

More to come.

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  • CMG30

    So many questions now…

    We know McJesus is going to be in the lineup next year… and for once I don’t have a problem with that. But where? He will need to be sheltered, ideally on the 3rd line I think. (With experienced wingers please MacTavish!)

    So who goes where? I like Gordon on the ‘4th’ or hard minutes line due to his MVP performance there over the past couple years.

    That leaves Roy, LD and Lander in a dog fight over the 2C position. Hopefully the Oilers do it right and make LD prove he’s clearly the best option otherwise start him in the AHL.

    Lander won’t survive another ride on the waiver wire and he’s the right age for the Oilers so all else being equal I guess that leaves Roy as the odd man out. Still that’s a bit scary as he’s done wonders with Yak this year…

    So MacTavish: you have your work cut out this summer. A Goalie, 2 top pair defense and surround/support all the talent you have up front with actual NHL talent and leadership. If you do all this we might actually have a competitive team next year!

  • Jaxon

    I think this would be reasonable lineup for the fall and would clear some cap space by getting rid of Gordon, Hendricks, Purcell and Nikitin (trade for draft picks, prospects or buy them out just to get rid of the contracts and replace the forwards with cheaper options (Comeau, Goc & Upshall could save about 4.5M) and spend it on D. I don’t think I’d blow it all on Niemi but you could if you dump some contracts. I think Greiss has been fairly dependable and should come at a decent value contract. I would hold onto all the young core and support Draisaitl with some German teammates. I think Draisaitl as a 3C or maybe even 1L or 2L could prove to be super valuable in the future. If they grab Franson, maybe Schultz becomes expendable and he might fetch more in a trade than he is worth. In a trade I might try to get a young RD like Pysyk from Buffalo or Petrovic from Florida. I think acquiring free agents just got a bit easier.

    LW / C / RW


    HALL / MCDAVID / YAKUPOV – Scoring 2


    LANDER / GOC / UPSHALL – Toughs, D Zone Starts


    LD / RD

    EHRHOFF / FRANSON – 1st Pair and O Zone Starts

    KLEFBOM / FAYNE – 2nd Pair and D Zone Starts

    MARINCIN / SCHULTZ – 3rd Pair

    FERENCE / PETROVIC or PYSYK – 7th D / AHL Callups

    NURSE – AHL Callup or Mid Season regular


    SCRIVENS – 1A – Counting on a bounce Back Season – this does make me nervous

    GREISS – 1B – Dependable backup could steal some starts

    O’CONNOR – AHL Callup that hopefully turns into future starter.

    BROSSOIT – AHL competition for O’Connor or vice versa.

  • paul wodehouse

    …Hey TUG…I really don’t think these kids get it !!! Because they never experienced the new level the game was taken to by 99 albeit well after the way Bobby Orr took the game to another level for Dmen these young whips think that their lives will remain the same as they know it and ho-hum through it all not noticing that they are about to see a ONCE IN A LIFETIME thing … Connor McDavid could take the game to yet another level …and far be from me to even imagine where that’ll be …in spite of all the EFF ups management might try to stop him…if Hall Eberle and Nuge-Hopkins stay… they will become better players than even they themselves ever thought they’d be…

  • Rob...

    Okay….so as a Flames fan, I actually got a little bit sick when this happened. I mean the thought of this Management group getting ANOTHER free pass, it makes me sick. BUT the fans, the fans who have kept buying tickets during this “Dumpster fire made out of tires burning on a plane while said plane crashes” you guys deserve this… Now can my Flames PLEASE make a deep playoff run so I don’t have to kill myself when reflecting on this season? Thank you.

  • Zamboni Driver


    I never even watched the draft lottery… I didn’t even expect us to change if anything for us to move back.
    Once I opened up a website and saw we got first! I was laughing cause I thought it was a joke.. so I checked a second sight. Bam! it did happen!
    I didn’t even know how to feel… but after thinking about it for a while this is my thoughts

    Here is Edmonton a City that no superstars want to come to. And Tons NHL fans kinda laugh at the oilers for that. So they went the route of building the team through drafts since well it really is the only way to build this team.

    So after looking at that, this is great for Edmonton. Oilers now have a core of a team which should be very offensive and can easily roll three high scoring lines, just like what they have been planing for, Oiler Hockey. Due to this I think they will still not trade any of their core.

    For everyone else which is bitching, what do you expect the oilers to do. They can’t get a superstar to sign, Hell they can’t get a proven high end players to sign, so what does everyone want them to do? Just suck?

    This is like Karma 101, If any proven high end players wanted to sign here this would of never happened, but because no one wants to… “this” just happened. and now I feel they will be able to pull in some talent for the Blue line and the D because of this draft.

    • Yes the Hockey Gods have finally cut us some slack and the mists of uncertainty and ambiguity have been quieted-in favour of a fresh spring breeze. Finally there is hope and smiles in OILERVILLE. It is good.


    It’s so ironic that they changed the draft lottery odds so this specifically would not happen it’s actually hilarious . It’s also very strange how after the Errie Otters owe Katz millions of dollars their golden boy just happens to fall right onto our lap. Hmmmm

  • 786

    Now someone needs to tell the kid that if you want to win in this league, you need to COMPETE. McDavid, I’m pulling for you. I know it’s a tall order but hope you can be the “ignite” that turns the culture of this team around.

    Ask if your agent Bobbi Orr wants to be a POHO or something for an NHL club. We will be glad to take him as well as a package deal.

  • nuge2drai

    I would be extremely dissapointed if the Oilers kept their mid to late draft picks this year.

    Trade the Pens pick, Montreal and St.Louis picks for NHL Defenseman.

    Our draft record sucks, trade the picks to teams who can use them and upgrade the defense.

    Please everyone stop talking about trading the core.

    If you want to trade any of the core wingers, play them with McDavid for the season with a ton of offensive zone starts, build up the value and trade next OS.

    #Gm101 #commonsense

    • 786

      Same can be said on Hall, RNH, and Yakupov, but here we are. They are bunch of teenagers when drafted. As talented as they are, should we expect them to know everything about how to run an NHL club?

  • Zamboni Driver

    I find it very amusing that most fans are excited about McDavid. Rightfully so, he is the coveted “McJesus” that everyone claims. The stats, countless scouting has him stamped as being better than Sydney Crosby. Did you all see the look on his face? The body language was terrible. And the words he said to strombolopolus are extremely concerning. If I were the Edmonton Oilers, I would make damn sure this kid wants to come here to Edmonton. If we draft him and he doesn’t report, it would be a nightmare none of us will be able to wake up from. I mean, can you really blame the kid for souring on the thought of coming to this Franchise? Buffalo was ideal. They have a better team than the oilers. The Winnipeg trade set them light years ahead. Edmonton is not a desirable place to live. The franchise itself is a mess ran by a pathetic front office straight through to the horrific ownership of Katz. The media here is punishing. The fans are worse.
    I don’t mean to put a Negative spin on winning the lottery. But Connor McDavid DID NOT look happy yesterday. McTavish needs to reach out to this kid and talk and get a good read on him. I would hate for the oilers to draft him only to walk away, when another “generational talent” is standing right next to him.

    • 786

      I agree with everything you write except the part “fans are worse”. Oilers’ fans are the best hands down. Can you really ask for more when we still support this team after past 9 years? If McDavid is not happy about the draft results, it’s definitely not because of the fans.

      • CMG30

        That’s debatable. Some would say the fans are the reason why Katz thinks it’s ok to lose because no matter what garbage product he puts on the ice, ridiculous concession prices, fans will still show up blindly and support the team. Yes we are the very best fans but at the same time our passion holds this team at the bottom of the barrel because changes need not be made to put $$$ in Katz’s pocket. And in the end, that’s what it’s all about isn’t it?


      1)Was Connor supposed to jump in the air,”Woo-hoo, I’m going to Edmonton baby!” lol Besides, Strombo absolutely SUCKS as a host and interviewer. I have seen Connor shy/nervous in lots of interviews.
      2)”Buffalo was ideal”, have you seen Buffalo? Did they not just trade half their team to tank for Mcdavid? Hmmmm, better is not the term I would use. City wise two words,Rogers Place. Besides a lot of good players are in one of the worst cities in the U.S. Detroit so city is irrelevant.
      Been cheering for the Oilers since inception and have been through the good times and the bad. It’s called LIFE, you can’t learn anything from never making mistakes.

      • YeahHeDid

        Strombo sucks as an interviewer? Who has said that ever? The comments on him is always that he’s a great interviewer who makes his guests feel comfortable. Nice try though.

        The look on McDavid’s face and the words he said made it clear he was not happy with the fact the Oilers won the draft.

        As for Rogers Place having any bearing on a player’s opinion on playing in Edmonton…. very little. A new arean is great, but a cold, remote, small market city is not ideal. It’s why Edmonton has trouble attracting free agents as it is.

        • Rob...

          Home this interview… would you still backup your statements?

          Connors words…

          “It would be a dream come true. It would be a great situation to be in. They’ve had a couple tough years but the support they receive is amazing and I think that speaks volumes to the fans support they have in Edmonton. And obviously the group of guys they have there is pretty special. If it happens to be me they select with the pick, it would be a tremendous honour to step in with a group of talent like that [mentioning Taylor Hall, Jordan Eberle, Ryan Nugent-Hopkins and Nail Yakupov]. If I’m selected there it would be amazing. It would be an absolute honour.”

          And this…

          “Why would there be any disappointment. Edmonton won and it would be an absolute honour. I guess if it is Edmonton I’ll be getting a coat!”

        • Rob...

          “As for Rogers Place having any bearing on a player’s opinion on playing in Edmonton…. very little. A new arean is great, but a cold, remote, small market city is not ideal. It’s why Edmonton has trouble attracting free agents as it is.”

          It’s not as cold as you let on compared to other Canadian cities, unless you’re comparing us against Vancouver. We could just as easily talk about the hail capital of North America 3 hours to the south, if you’d like.

          It’s not as small market as you let on. The stagnation of Ontario and massive influx of people to Alberta has changed things drastically since the Oilers first came to Edmonton. In the last two years alone, Edmonton gained 60k people. Geeze, people are proposing that the NHL move a team to Quebec City, that has half of Edmonton’s population and a very limited appeal to non-francophone players when it comes to acquiring talent.

      • my intent was not to offend anyone. Just reading into what I saw and heard on the television. As an Oilers fan you can’t be so blind. The management team needs to be certain this kid wants to be here or risk having him walk and get nothing out of all this. Not being a negative, just being a realist. Your sensitivity suggest you don’t like hearing the truth. I don’t blame you, this is all we look forward to now as fans of the oilers. Agree with me or not, you can’t deny that it isn’t a possibility he opts not to report after being drafted. It’s happened before and it’ll happen again. More recently.. The Jultz fiasco with Anaheim.

  • Joy S. Lee

    I don’t think we need to make problems where they don’t even exist (there are enough real problems with this team still). I’m sure Hall (one of the best LW) will be okay playing with a guy who could end up being the best C of this generation. Who wouldn’t?

  • Jaxon

    What no one is talking about and I am super excited about is
    McDavid and Nurse (Future team mates) going head to head in the finals
    For the OHL. I hope it’s being telecast across the country. Plus to watch the Drai
    Turn it on,,, just a preview of the future Oilers is exciting !,,

  • Jordan McNugent-Hallkins

    This Management team must be replaced ASAP. They are built for losing. They ran the team into the ground, got the picks and it’s mission accomplished.

    But now it’s time to build a winning team. Why would you trust those two very different jobs to the same people?

    They gotta go

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