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This is an article focusing on the “Edmonton” in Edmonton
Oilers Hockey Blog. If you want to read about the impact of Talbot being
signed, this ain’t the article for you. Consider yourself warned and click to
read more at your own peril. 

As you may or may not know or care, NationHQ relocated
itself earlier in the year from a burned out ol’ shed behind the SAAN store in Terra
Losa into a super cool café/office combo in the Edmonton River Valley called
Little Brick.

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This was the start of a long term plan to make the River Valley even more awesome, developing cool amenities for locals and tourists alike to enjoy. Where do you take your Auntie
from Thunder Bay when she is in town? Our goal is that you will take her to the
River Valley and enjoy one of numerous cafes, restaurants, pubs and non-nude

Now that we have set up shop here at Little Brick and have
made the first business of the many we will eventually make in River Valley, our
gang is starting to make contact with the great organizations down here to see
where we can help. 


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Check out the video above if you have a moment to spare from counting down till Con Con returns from the IR. Located near the Muttart Conservatory, the Edmonton Ski Club
– North America’s oldest Ski Club I’m told – has the potential to be one of the
crown jewels of the River Valley. The fine folks running the club have
worked hard to get people down to the hill and this has come to include
disadvantaged Edmontonians and new Canadians who come to the club and learn to

Despite having an operating budget of a $1.47, a button and
12 cords of wood the Edmonton Ski Club has reinvented itself of late bringing more people in than ever before and is
looking to raise more money to get more folks on the hill for free.

So we have created a cool new fundraiser to raise cash to
fund these programs. Our crack NationGear designer Joanne made a snazzy logo
featured on long sleeve and short sleeve shirts.


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The Edmonton Ski Club may not be the first place that
springs to mind as a place to hit the slopes. But for many new Canadians and
Edmontonians the mountains may be out of reach and the ESC represents a great
place to hit the slopes and learn to ski. Freezing your ass off on a ski hill
is about as Canadian an experience as you can get and we want to help get as
many people on the hill as possible and share that experience.

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As ESC President Ken Saunders explained recently that the ESC does “existing work with schools and groups like the Edmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers the Ski Club (and) has identified about 1,000 who would like to go skiing but don’t have the funds.” Hmm.


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If you want to pick up one of these snazzy shirts and
support a good cause you can go here and the magic of the
internets will deliver it straight to your door. 30 beans for a tee shirt or 40 for a long sleeve. If you are measuring costs in barrels of Oil these days its 156 barrels for a tee shirt and 305 barrels of Oil for a long sleeve.

*rubs eyes disbelievingly at Oil prices*

As always shoutout to our partner Johnny at
Print Machine who is always down to help us with our crazy plans. We are super grateful for your support with these tee shirts. We will give an update as to how this went in the future and
show where the money went. 

And if our luck holds we may have an amazing second
project with the Ski Club to pimp out over the summer and fall whether you want
to read it or not. Enjoy!

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