The #FarewellRexallPlace Wrap Up

What started off with an afternoon in Churchill Square ended in a Canucks ass kicking and a farewell to an old barn that holds a lot of memories, and a lot of hockey history.


Statement Game

The phrase “statement game” gets tossed around liberally, and should be regarded with suspicion. For any team, a professional NHL season is a complicated thing, 82 games plus playoffs of ups and downs and injuries and bounces and myriad other factors that outsiders sometimes see and sometimes never hear of. Boiling all that down to a…


GDB 81.0 Wrap Up: Canucks @ Oilers

The Edmonton Oilers couldn’t have finished this last game in Rexall Place any better. In the traditional Oiler way, they didn’t get their first shot on net until ten minutes in. Six goals later, the Oilers gave the fans something to be proud of and smile about walking out of Rexall Place forever. Final Score: 6-2.