Photo Credit: Perry Nelson-USA TODAY Sports


When a team is losing, there are predictable results. For Edmonton Oilers fans, trade rumours used to be an annual event by mid-winter. We’d talk about veterans from November to the trade deadline, at which point they were sent away with futures. Who can forget hits like “Ryan Smyth to the Islanders” or “Erik Cole we hardly knew ye” and “So long, Dustin Penner”?

  • Elliotte Friedman on Sportsnet 650: “One other name I would throw out there – if Edmonton doesn’t get back into the race, I’m curious what they’re going to do with Nugent-Hopkins.” Source

We know from previous reporting that the Columbus Blue Jackets are a team of interest for the Oilers. Logic dictates CBJ may be a team focused on RNH as a trade target. We know Peter Chiarelli was in Boston Friday watching the Bruins and has been scouting them quite a bit recently (source: Alex Thomas).

if Nuge’s name is out there, that might be an indication the club will deal him in-season should things continue to slide. Perhaps the plan is to sign Patrick Maroon with some of the leftover money and get young, entry-level players for RNH. A young center plus a defender who can help and not break the bank?

What Does it all Mean?

If the Oilers season continues to falter, Peter Chiarelli may look at offloading some of his expensive contracts in anticipation of what will likely be an extremely active summer 2018. Nuge might be at the intersection of what the Oilers are willing to give up and what has value to other NHL teams.

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One for one deals have been in fashion for Peter Chiarelli since he arrived. Perhaps we’ll see more than one asset in return for Nugent-Hopkins should it come to pass.

I’m sure Oilers fans would prefer equal or greater value. For me, I don’t think trading Ryan Nugent-Hopkins is a good idea, now or in summer. He’s a keeper.

  • KPUZ

    I have hated the signing of Chiarelli since the beginning. In Boston, he did not know how to manage a salary cap, traded Seguin for a washed up nobody in return, lost Boston’s elite defensive core. When he came here, he sold Yakupov when his value was at his lowest, sold Eberle at his lowest for an underwhelming Strome, lost 2 picks, including 1st rounder, for Reinhart, traded Hall (number 1 overall pick 2010 and one of the top left wingers in the league) for a journeyman defence man. Now, he is thinking of losing Nuge for more “magic beans”. He failed to act on insufficiencies over the summer with this team and does not recognize that the game needs speed, not anchors like Lucic or Maroon. Name one thing Chiarelli at this time has made better on this team this year? Sorry, he has improved Katz’s income as he is 10 million under salary cap in this the 7th highest market in the NHL.

  • tileguy

    If, and its a big IF, Draisaitl is banging somebodies sister then that shows little moral character (or is it youthful exuberance?) and regards for his team moral, ergo why should he live up to his contract for a full eight years. He is almost at peak value, but do we trust Chiarelli to make the proper trade?

  • IslandOIL

    This season seems like it is tipping over the edge right now. The Flames comeback last year is an anomaly, as teams don’t really move around too much past the quarter pole. I don’t like the return PC has received in any of his trades (I do like Larsson but would’ve liked a pick or prospect to come with him). This will be another stinker if he trades Nuge. I know that some of the ON armchair GM’s have an issue with the 7 mil that Nuge is getting but the guy is undervalued in this organization IMO. He has been/is a solid defensive player for us who has finally started to combine that with finding the back of the net. Leon could fill the hole at 2C but then how do you fill the hole that Leon leaves at 1RW? Our R side is very thin. I see no world in which PC trades Nuge away and makes our team better.

  • GK1980

    Agreed, keep Nuge. He is valuable in many areas of the game. He is still young and still has offensive upside. I’m not sure I want to see many changes in the summer. If he can revamp the D a little that will enhance the forward group indirectly. Also leave Talbot, he will be fine.

  • Reinman

    Whatever we get back will have much less value than Nuge. That is Chiarelli style of managing. If I were Chiarelli, I would trade Nuge to Arizona/Buffalo/Florida/Montreal for their first rounder. Probably about the best we can hope for. What we need on this team right now is someone that is on a entry level contract and producing points.

    • WHH

      You’ve just contradicted yourself. If he trades him for a first rounder that player will not be on the Oilers right away on an entry level contract and producing points.

  • the dope $teez

    Trade Nuge to sign Maroon. Sadly that is something chia would do. Unfortunately he seems to be too busy watching other teams play to watch his own team play. If he did he would see who is actually providing value and who is coasting around the ice, taking penalties and turning the puck over. Maroon and Lucic need to go. Neither can play a lick and clearly their leadership qualities are doing us a lot of good.

  • Samesame

    U can only laugh after reading articles like this. No point in getting pissed cause the damage is already done. This is just abit of salt in the wound . Hasn’t actually accomplished anything but he’s planning on actively downgrading (even further from the offensively impotent team we have now) because he’s totally cap strapped himself as well.

    Can U imagine now going out and dealing nuge for lesser cheaper players?

    Fire him before he does anymore damage !!!

  • Consultant

    This nightmare will continue until Chia is gone, I really hope it’s not long but in truth it could be years. This reminds me of the Eakins day’s when you knew as much as it hurt that we actually needed to lose in order for heads to roll. .500 Hockey will get us no where

    • Crazy Pedestrian

      I’m all for firing chia, problem is, who the hell replaces him at this stage???
      In hind sight, I wonder if macT would have done less damage to the oilers if he were still GM… He was too gun-shy to trade the Austins… which might have been a blessing in disguise. It was on record that he was the one who orchestrated the Talbot trade, so we still would have got Talbot for similar assets. And I doubt he would have traded for Reinhart. He might have even got Hamilton cause Boston wouldn’t have hated us. We might have sucked for one more year, but we wouldn’t have anchor Lucic or Russel deals…
      Wow… I can’t believe I’m saying this but, man I wish macT was still our GM…
      (I feel dirty now)

  • CMG30

    Brilliant. We’re in a slump so lets trade away our second most productive forward (who plays center) for a handfull of picks and prospects who (if we’re lucky) may one day turn into a RNH.

  • Oilem2k17

    Trading RnH for a bunch of young entry level contracts is stupid . Either PC or McLennan have to go .. Watch Ethan bear make the team next year.. leave jessi puljarvii in and let him play .. give him the chances to play the pp he has a shot similar to laine …

  • Connor McFly

    Fire Chiarelli before he trades our second best centreman for some other fireplug. Someone needs to step up within the Oilers organization and pink slip this tool.

  • If the Oilers can get a young, right-shot defenseman that plays the PP, I say trade him. Seth Jones will do. RNH finally has trade value and this team cannot afford 3 high-paid centers when they are so weak on defense.