Photo Credit: John Hefti-USA TODAY Sports

Lost in the Shuffle: Oilers mathematically eliminated from the playoffs

We can all remember last year’s magical playoff run like it was yesterday. Those nights spent at The Pint with cool people like Chris The Intern and the exciting vibe around arena are a distance memory like dust in the wind. This year has been a long slow trudge to the offseason that is finally coming to an end. Like the executioner’s axe hanging over the head of Ned Stark, this moment had been coming for a while.

According to the website SportsClubStats, the Edmonton Oilers haven’t had a better than 50 per cent chance of making the playoffs since they lost to the Jets on October 9th.

As the final horn rang out on Sunday afternoon on the 3 – 1 loss at the hands of the Lightning in the St. Pete Times Forum, Tampa Bay Times Forum, Amalie Arena, so too did the final horn on the Oilers playoff chances. Mathematically eliminated from the playoffs on March 18th, admittedly a far cry from the decade of darkness when we were mathematically out with 20 games to go a few times.

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Alas, we focus on cheering on the players who care heading into the offseason. Left to look forward to another World Championships with Connor and Nuge wearing the maple leaf (and more to follow soon we hope).

AMMENDMENT: The sourcing for this article (sportsclubstats.com) was in fact incorrect. If When Calgary loses to Anahiem tonight, we will be eliminated.

  • GreasyOilChef

    We are all in a better place now…we’re not suffering anymore….unless the beets supply hasn’t already been depleted…

    Nevermind….I can feel the anxiety setting in over wondering what Chia is gonna do to sabotage us next year…

    • Nation Dan

      Shoutout to those who bought in on the beets stock when the prices were low.

      I sit here in my shorts on day 161 of my Sacrifice for .500. I didn’t buy in.

  • Castrum

    “According to the website SportsClubStats, the Edmonton Oilers haven’t had a better than 50 per cent chance of making the playoffs since they lost to the Jets on October 9th.”

    I didn’t think I could love this article any more than I already did. Jets <3