Real Life Podcast Episode 83: Milan Lucic, Sprinter Vans, and Irish Butter

Another week means a brand new episode of the Real Life Podcast! This week, the boys had to dig deep to find hockey topics to talk about so they ended up going all over the map in what ended up being a mixed bag, yet incredibly interesting show.

After a brief vacation, the Squire returned to the podcast after spending the last couple of weeks in Ireland, so he regales the boys with stories of golf and the Guinness factory. How many beers do you think Jay put back on the Guinness tour? Probably not as many as you’d expect. With vacation talk out of the way, the guys got down to business and talked about the stuff that really matters – Big Brother. The boys recapped what’s happened so far in what has turned out to be a very good 20th season, and who they think is playing the best game so far. Not into Big Brother? Fair enough. Fortunately, the conversation was steered back towards hockey as the guys discussed what can be done to make minor hockey cheaper for kids to play. Is there something that NHL teams can do to

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