Evan Bouchard PP Highlights

Perusing the interwebs as we do in the dogs days of summer I came upon a short video of the Edmonton Oilers newest blue chipper Evan Bouchard. The footage is something to behold.

The video is a shift-by-shift clipping of Evan’s powerplay shifts and man does this get me excited for the guy. Give yourself the less than four minutes it takes to watch this little gem and enjoy. (Bouchard is No. 2 for quick reference)

Chris the Intern found a video of another blogger ripping apart Bouchard’s D game from one game of highlights so why can’t I take all the positives away from this video? In “La Bouche” we have a guy who is quick to move the puck around and ALWAYS seems to have a nose for shooting the puck. When is the last time the Oilers can say that? Justin Schultz? Sheldon Souray? He is looking pretty good on that powerplay up against one half of the best and brightest from the USA junior program. What vision, what grace and I count three or four great one-touch, no-look passes there

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One of the main camp conversations that will inevitably come is whether Bouchard should make the team or not. Time will tell, but if he is good on the power play with the Oilers as he is in this one game, I can’t imagine wanting to let him go back down.

Credit for the video where credit is due for a guy who really helped fill out my Oilers Prospect Updates last year. The twitter handle has changed from what it was a year ago. Edmonton Prospects Watch is no more and Edmonton Future Watch is now the future of prospects updates. The account run by a man named Matt Mosewich is an absolute must follow if you want to be able to have the highlights of all our prospects at your fingertips.