The Capilano Rehab Injury Report: Kris Russell update, Adam Larsson’s foot, and Sekera’s doctor appointment

We’ve had a pretty active injury report the last few weeks and it’s only getting busier. Today I have another minor injury to add to the list, as well as some valuable updates on some other injuries. 

Adam Larsson

Adam Larsson took a shot off the foot in the most recent game against the Blues and got a little banged up from it. Larsson didn’t skate in practice yesterday as the coaching staff opted to have him come in on Saturday at 100% than risk him hurting it further in practice. Hitchcock said there is a chance he could be good to go for today’s practice, but only time will tell.

Oscar Klefbom

We received some poor news on Oscar Klefbom this past week regarding the broken fingers in his hand. Klefbom does, in fact, require surgery to fix the fingers and will be out of the lineup for 6-8 weeks. Hopefully, technology will be so advanced by then that we’ll all be able to snap our fingers at the same time and his fingers will be fixed immediately, but chances aren’t looking good for that. This news was pretty much worst-case scenario and we’re definitely feeling the effects of this injury as we look to end our two-game losing streak tomorrow.

Kris Russell

As I mentioned last week, it’s still unclear what exactly happened to Kris Russell to take him out of the lineup. Hitchcock did give an update on the timeline on his return yesterday but left out the details about his injury. Russell skated in yesterdays practice and was “just okay” says Hitchcock. He’ll likely skate again today but Ken doesn’t see him playing until after the New Year. We can hopefully expect him back in the lineup on January 2nd.

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Andrej Sekera

Ken Hitchcock says that Sekera has been as close to a “full participant” on the team as possible, but he hasn’t met the requirements to return the lineup officially yet. He’s been practicing with the team regularly now and feels no pain in his ankle which is fantastic news. Jason Gregor talked to Reggie yesterday and this is what he had to say:

He reiterated how he’d really like to play some games in the AHL once he is cleared. Just to get a feel of the game again. I love this attitude. He is also very excited about how he feels overall. His knee is 100%. It is way more flexible than it was when he returned last year. Pivoting was a major problem, as the knee brace limited his range of motion. He doesn’t need a brace now and he said he feels so much better today coming back from the Achilles injury than he did returning from his knee injury last season.

Gregor went on to say that Sekera has another appointment with the doctor today to undergo some testing to find out how strong his Achilles is. Sekera says that he’s at a point now that the injury will heal quickly, and it’s just a matter of building strength in the leg.

Previous Injury Reports

This in-depth injury analysis is brought to you by the Capilano Rehab Centre

If you’re in some need of some good, friendly physiotherapy services you can call them at (780) 466-1104 or visit their website!

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  • OriginalPouzar

    I don’t think that’s right on Russell – coach said yesterday that Russell won’t play until December 27 at the earliest. It very well might be the new year before he is ready but that’s not quite what coach said. To be honest, it doesn’t sound like he’ll be ready for the 27th but he hasn’t been ruled out for the rest of the calendar year.

  • WhoreableGuy

    Man, a healthy Sekera, Klefbom and Russell with Hitchcock calling the shots, suddenly the D looks like it has a little depth.
    Let’s pray we can have a full healthy roster for the last couple of months of the season.

    • Beer_League_Ringer

      When you put it that way… Wow.
      Klef, Larsson, Sekera, Russell, Nurse, (Jones/Benning/Gravel/Garrison/Wideman/Bear).
      That is a solid D-lineup IMO.

  • OilersBro

    Having 3 of our top 4 Dmen back will be AMAZING. I know he’s unlikely to be his former self but in 2016-17 Reggie was arguably our second best D-man. Let’s survive until then and see who steps up. So far I’ve been pleasantly surprised by Nurse with his increased workload, Gravel, and Jones. While the Oilers may not have a top 30 d-man in the league, I could see them having lots of 30-60 ranked defenders.

    • Battman

      Agreed 100%. I don’t think we need 2016-17 Sekera necessarily but if we can get him back at about 75% of that level of play that should help push the depth down to where players playing above their capability should be playing to the strengths again. Things are looking up for the new year.

  • Maggie the Monkey

    This article appears to be using a pirated image. I haven’t noticed this before on the Nation Network. As far as I can tell all other images had been either freely available for public use or credited, presumably with compensation. Have I been wrong?

    If the image from today’s article is pirated, it’s pretty shady. The websites on this network have paid commercials and owners who generate revenue. I’m not a hater, I’ve loved ON for a long time, and hope that I’ve misinterpreted what’s happened.

    • Beer_League_Ringer

      It’s funny that you are *possibly* offended by something that *may* be true. Do the work, find out for sure, or find a different (worthy) cause. Education is a personal responsibility.

  • Beer_League_Ringer

    I’m calling it now: Sekera wins the Masterton trophy either this year or next. Nothing to give you an appreciation of the game than sitting out forever and working your a$$ off to get back. Just playing again is a win. Playing well will be the cherry on top.