Photo Credit: Sergei Belski-USA TODAY Sports

Kailer Yamamoto recalled from the Bakersfield Condors

It has happened! After being sent down to the Bakersfield Condors at the beginning of November, Kailer Yamamoto has finally been recalled. 

This happy news comes with some sad news, as Alex Chiasson has just been placed on the Injury Reserve and Valentin Zykov got placed on waivers this morning. We all knew Kailer was going to get recalled at some point this season but is now the right time? Obviously, we need him to address our injury concerns, but is it too early in terms of his development? When he first got sent down, I expected to see both Puljujarvi and Yamamoto in the AHL until January. Puljujarvi obviously got the call-up fairly quickly, but this is around the timing when I expected Yamamoto to come back to us.

Kailer Yamamoto currently has four goals and four assists in 11 eleven games with the Condors. His coaching staff has praised him during his time with the team and It should be safe to say he’s gained some confidence in the AHL. Is Yamamoto going to be the answer we need to end our losing drought? Likely not, but I’m looking forward to seeing what he can do. With Chiasson out, I’m guessing Yamamoto will replace him in the top six, however we’ll have to wait and see.

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What do you guys think of the Yamamoto call-up. Is it too soon? Let me know in the comments.

Kailer Yamamoto’s Career Stats

Season Team Lge GP G A Pts PIM +/- GP G A Pts PIM
2017-18 Edmonton Oilers NHL 9 0 3 3 2 -2
2017-18 Spokane Chiefs WHL 40 21 43 64 18 22 7 1 3 4 6
2018-19 Edmonton Oilers* NHL 12 1 1 2 2 -2
2018-19 Bakersfield Condors AHL 11 4 4 8 10 3
NHL Totals 21 1 4 5 4


    • I love how when the Flames are up and the Oil are down, Lame’s add their 2 cents. But, when the Oil spank the Lames it’s crickets. Looking forward to another beat down by the Lightning in the Finals? Just the Flamer’s lack of depth.

  • AlexTheOilersFanSince2006

    I don’t mind it…right now. I’ll probably sing a different tune when I see him play on Monday (can’t tomorrow because of work). At face value, he can’t be any worse than what we already have with out “depth” guys.

  • Sparky Blue

    This makes zero sense. Bring back Marody and put him on a skill line. Yano needs to stay in the AHL and kick some butt not come up here and be a recipient.

  • The Off Ice

    Yamamoto’s recall is a sign of desperation. No organizational depth leads to rushing a player that may hurt a player’s development. I am seriously getting tired of this movie. No depth and up against the cap. Pass the malox.

  • Bringer_Of_Snow

    Anyone see what the Stars owner said? He absolutely ripped into his guys getting paid the big bucks and not producing up to their cheque’s.

    What I would do for an owner that actually gives a s*** about his team…. one can dream

    • ed from edmonton

      It’s frustrating as we see the season slip away. But one thing I can’t knock the about the Oil this year is lack of effort. We haven’t had a 5 nothing embarrassment vs the worst team in the league like last year. It’s more a lack of ability than effort.

      • Prairiechicken

        Totally agree. The players seem to be giving everything they have … but thanks to more than a few failed pete bets … “everything they have” just isn’t going to cut it.

    • Randomfan

      Unless Katz’s pocket take a hit nothing will happen. He ia in it for the money. He doesnt give a rat’s a$$ about winning. He has the golden boy mcdavid to fill the seats so its all hunky dory.

      • MrBung

        I disagree. It matters on some level. He wouldn’t be in love with the glory years Oilers if winning didn’t matter. He can’t make the right and hard decisions to get things back on track.

      • 2centz

        If you think Daryl Katz lives off the Oilers profits, you’re stunned. We’re not talking about Eugene Melnyk here. Daryl Katz has BILLIONS, with. B for all you simple crayon eaters out there. Oilers profits are a blip compared to what’s already in his pocket. GD allowance money for Harrison and Chloe. Where are the Oilers original Stanley Cup banners? Why they’re hanging on the walls of his house, not some cheesy overpriced art, but the teams Cup banners. Yeah, sounds like a guy who doesn’t care about winning, doesn’t it? Or knocking down the mansion next door to build a replica of the Oilers rink. Yup, also sounds like a guy who doesn’t care about the team and just about the few million bucks that it makes. If you want to troll the decisions made, so be it. But don’t be so simple about it.

    • 2centz

      It wasn’t the owner, it was the Prez. And if you think Katz doesn’t care, you’re franked. Where would the Oilers be without Daryl Katz? Still in Edmonton? Sure as $hit wouldn’t be playing in a new arena. Would the previous regime of more owners than players be able to afford Connor McDavid or would we have had to trade him away like so many great players that have left over money? Oiler fans need to stop sniffing glue, without our owner we could we watching the Vegas or Seattle Oilers. Grass isn’t always greener Franktards.

        • MrBung

          Bobbi Nicks and Chia were not good hires. Naive. Bobbi had no NHL experience and Chia ran the Bruins into sewer. Suckered on his past success but ignore why he was fired. Did same thing to Oil he did to mess up Bruins in the end.

          • Randomfan

            You guys are geniuses. Hats off to you katz supporters. On one side you say he cares about winning and on other side you say he hired dumb a$$ like PC who ended up screwing bruins. I mean pick a side. Who in their right mind would hire a GM who have made a mess elsewhere?

  • GK1980

    Even with a lineup that is 100% healthy they would have trouble getting into the playoffs. Right now it really looks like another lost season. 1/13 years in the playoffs. Disgusting.

    • CMG30

      And that one year came on the back of a career year from the goaltender. Management failed to recognize this and as a result took all the wrong lessons and managed to downgrade the team yet again.

  • CMG30

    Chirelli’s inability to build a team strikes again. When the inevitable injury bug bites the utter lack of depth leads the organization to do yet more stupid things.

  • Stallions #35

    Pretty certain Zykov could do the same thing Yamamoto can do for the forseeable future… until Yamamoto improves his confidence, his game and develops properly…

  • Datsyukian

    Too soon or not too soon for Yamamoto? What does it really matter in the grand scheme of things? For one, I am losing interest in these little trifling questions. Who cares if they bring up or send down the whole Bakersfield roster (or Oilers roster, for that matter), it’s not going to change anything much one way or the other. We have much bigger questions to answer – such as an incompetent GM and the inability of the organization to create a half-decent roster around the world’s best player.

      • 2centz

        Keith Gretzky is the only reason the Oilers have prospects coming up. He hasn’t been the one pulling the trigger on bad trades or bad signings. The Bruins are loaded with high end Gretzky draft picks. Oilers fans are a bunch of red neck sheep pounding hillbillies. No wonder nobody wants to play in Edmonton, it isn’t the city or the climate, it is the wave after wave of stupid chicken little fans that you have to deal with when you play here. Way to make us the Roughriders of the NHL. Before this 4 game skid you people were all drinking the Hitchcock Kool-aid, and this week it’s all doom and gloom again. You people are all wetarded. Grow up

  • RexHolez

    This team has been rebuilding for 12 years, lucked out and got the best player of this generation… still suck and need wingers to save the season… good luck kid!

  • RexHolez

    My honest advice to Yamamoto would be to play terrible! Pretend like you forgot how to skate! With any luck the oilers will trade you to any of the other 30 teams in the league and you’ll finally be apart of a professional franchise!

  • Ratt McNuge

    This team has always been an injury or two away from irrelevance, and the losing streak is proof of this. The roster has no depth. That’s on Chiarelli. Fire him.


    I’m sure Katz is a multi millionaire because he doesn’t care about winning …right ?

    People that are ultra successful hate losing, they obsess about being the best , wake up and stop with the stupid comments people.
    FYI Chia joined Boston won a cup and built the team up for what the next 10 years with draft pics and finding elite players.

    Ever heard of Rask, Chara, Marchant, Pasternak ? He core of that team is still with them and now they are starting to add youth to that core.

  • 2centz

    News flash, Daryl Katz, coaching or management is not the problem in Edmonton, the fans are. How many coaches, players and GM’s have the fans ran out of town? Only thing consistent is the losers with overalls and pitch forks who think they know hockey, and would’ve made it to the show if not for… (insert excuse here) you know who thinks they can do a better job than highly educated men with Stanley Cup rings? Simple, stupid uneducated morons that don’t have a clue and heckle players off the ice. Welcome to Edmonton. Fans here don’t deserve anything but what they’re getting, you make it a toxic $hitty place to play. Who could change the culture of our team, when the fans are so toxic. I hope McDavid wants out, we don’t deserve him.