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2021 NHL Draft Countdown No. 85-81: Justin Robidas, Aidan Hreschuk, Ethan Del Mastro, Liam Gilmartin, Sasha Teleguine

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Over the next few weeks leading up to the draft, we’ll be rounding up scouting reports, quotes, and videos about the Top-100 prospects available. Here are aggregated profiles on Justin Robidas, Aidan Hreschuk, Ethan Del Mastro, Liam Gilmartin, and Sasha Teleguine.

No. 85: Justin Robidas

Date of Birth: March 13, 2003

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Nation: Canada / United States

Position: Centre

Shoots: Right

Height: 5’7″

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Weight: 172 lbs

“Robidas is a speedy and opportunistic attacker who used his excellent skating abilities and delightful offensive instincts to fuse to the attack smoothly. The right-handed center showed a splendid speed and very quick stride that allowed him to push the pace in transition as a rapid outlet option. He enjoyed including himself in all sorts of counterattacks, following rushes closely and trying to sneak to the slot. As the puck carrier, Robidas occasionally caught defensemen flat footed thanks to his blazing speed and high-tempo rushes, but his lack of size and strength often kept him away from cutting into the middle ice. Most rearguards were very underwhelmed with his 5-foot-7 frame and were able to redirect him to the outside effortlessly. Robidas showed encouraging habits in his puck protection while circling around the perimeter, keeping his feet under him to maintain speed and keeping his head up to look for passing options. He looked very poised in his decision-making, showing a patience to wait for the right passing lane. Perhaps Robidas best asset, the Canadian prospect showcased the uncanny ability to create high-danger scoring chances without the puck, time and again opening himself in key areas to give prime setup options to his teammates. He read plays effortlessly and got to his spots in a very instinctive manner, allowing him to flow with the attack fluidly. With that said, the 2021 eligible showed a complete lack of power in his shot, and improving this very aspect of his game could be key for him to become an elite finisher.” – Andy Lehoux

No. 84: Aidan Hreschuk

Date of Birth: February 19, 2003

Nation: United States

Position: Defence

Shoots: Left

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Height: 5’11”

Weight: 187 lbs

“Hreschuk is a very reliable, positionally sound, two-way defenseman that doesn’t have any skills that blow you away but is very competent and poised. Hreschuk is a smooth skater, who is strong on his edges. He has quick hands (not dynamic but quick) and a hard wrist shot when he wants to use it. He has a high level of awareness in all three zones and possesses excellent poise with the puck. He rarely panics under pressure and is excellent at making short passes to transition the puck up-ice. He receives passes calmly and, in this game, he made a great play taking a pass off his skate in stride, kicking it to his forehand and one-touching it to a nearby teammate for a one-timer. He has great poise and is very good at using his edges and body to shield the puck away from attackers and set up a play. Hreschuk has a good first pass and up-ice vision. He is good at getting his teammates the puck in stride, on their stick or off the boards. His stretch passes aren’t always excellent though and he won’t always put it right in the wheelhouse.” – Sebastian Death

No. 83: Ethan Del Mastro

Date of Birth: January 15, 2003

Nation: Canada

Position: Defence

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Shoots: Left

Height: 6’4″

Weight: 205 lbs

“Del Mastro was dialed in and ready to play from the moment he jumped off the bench and onto the ice. He instantaneously made a quick cross-ice pass going past a few defenders in the process. Whenever Del Mastro possessed the puck in the offensive zone, he attempted to maneuver and trick defenders with his high-end skating ability and solid hands. He’s also showcased massive improvements on his shot especially, but also offensive game overall since last season when scouts saw him as a pure shutdown defenseman with lower-end offensive capabilities. He played with poise as even when he was being pressured by sometimes two or three opponents at once, he found a way to connect a pass, take a shot or make a play in any other form. This poise was also present in the defensive zone where he consistently was finding ways to get pucks out of his own end either by barreling through his opponents or by simply making a stretch pass down the ice. Also, Del Mastro was never afraid to throw his 6-foot-4, 205-pound frame around to disrupt plays and assert his physical capabilities. He additionally uses his massive reach to his advantage on the forecheck using his size more often and for stickchecking to stop offensive chances from his opponents while also blocking shots whenever the opportunity presented itself. I personally see Del Mastro going anywhere from the middle of the second round to the later picks in the third round. If a team somehow snags him later than that, he can easily prove to be one of the steals of this 2021 class.” – Tomas Zubrus

No. 82: Liam Gilmartin

Date of Birth: January 7, 2003

Nation: United States

Position: Left Wing

Shoots: Left Wing

Height: 6’2″

Weight: 190 lbs

“Gilmartin consistently works hard for the puck and focuses on the ‘small things’ that are actually very impactful, like stick lifting opponents, using great body positioning, and applying relentless pressure, never giving up on a play. Gilmartin is very effective on the transition, being able to use his strong skating stride to generate good speed to create controlled offensive zone entries by himself, or also being effective at dumping and using a hard forecheck to win the race for the puck. There was one shift where he did not look like his usual self, losing control and possession of the puck along the boards. Moments later he then made two risky passes into traffic, which both lead to turnovers. He will need to manage his passes better and focus on the smart, efficient play, rather than the skilled play in future games. In the offensive zone, he is most effective in front and behind the net. Using his body to screen the goalie while also looking to tip pucks in with his good hand-eye coordination. He uses his edges to constantly find open space and get to it quickly, to open up passing options. He was able to find his teammates well from behind the net, setting up good scoring chances in the slot.” – Dylan Krill

No. 81: Sasha Teleguine

Date of Birth: September 17, 2002

Nation: United States

Position: Centre

Shoots: Left

Height: 5’10”

Weight: 183 lbs

I’m a little bit shocked that Teleguine hasn’t been putting up bucket loads of points in Chilliwack, as his dynamic skillset makes him one of the more dangerous and fun players to watch in Western Canada. An elite skater who generates speed with little effort, his edge work is what sets the table for his skill game to be so effective. Teleguine can turn on the jets but is so hard to pin down due to his pace and the lateral explosiveness when a lane becomes available. He’s always moving his feet and is constantly changing the layout of the ice by creating new angles and space by getting early commitments and then can capitalize. His vision is top notch and he’s a dynamic playmaker who isn’t phased by taking risks and can read off pressure to show the patience to make a play through layers. Is driven with and without the puck on his stick but is able to show a strong top hand and control the puck through some tight areas and shield from threats. He has quickness and a good range of ideas which translate to action, and seems to lock the feet of defenders and find the right moment to move to an open area. He’s soft and precise with his approach and for a guy who could race circles around his opponent all day I was rather surprised by his selflessness and would honestly like him to hold onto pucks more as a shooter. Has a really good release and able to get pucks into his wheelhouse quickly so he can find a good kick point and hit his target through an available lane. His speed is an obnoxious problem for defenders as he badgers opponents relentlessly when hunting pucks, finding the right angle to force rash decisions or tie up puck carriers. – Justin Froese