The Lesson of the Flying Burrito’s

Long before the Eagles, the Flying Burrito Brothers (and others) were working on a sound that incorporated country and rock music into something special. Gram Parsons would have been rich and famous by now, but got caught up in UFO’s, LSD and the Joshua Tree.


Liam Reddox: Ginger with 9 Lives

I’ve long been a fan of Liam Reddox. Despite a rather long list of "yeah but’s" on his resume, the Oilers keep bringing him back as insurance and he keeps moving up the in-season depth chart. For a team looking for some sandpaper and an eye on what happens when the puck is going the…


What’s Taking So Long?

Early summer has given way to mid-summer, and the truth is that a long walk these days will reveal a few leaves beginning to turn. We’re reaching a point where the unsigned restricted free agents should be getting signed. Unless. Unless there’s a problem.



This is Curtis Hamilton. Drafted in June by the Edmonton Oilers, his "mixed bag" resume received a positive arrow this weekend. That arrow is a positive indicator that should be taken seriously. 


The Forgotten Taylor

That’s Taylor Chorney playing defense in one of the U of A-Oilers rookie games. Chorney’s slow adjustment to pro hockey is a major worry for the Oilers organization. He may not be good enough to play defense in the NHL. Ever.


Oilers Future On Display?

As the reality of another summer spent without addressing center ice adequately sinks in, I thought it might be a good time to introduce you to a possible future.



In the last couple of weeks I’ve talked about some possible callups from the Barons, specifically Chris Vande Velde and Theo Peckham. Although the Barons will have some other good young options for callup, the most interesting player in the group is probably Jeff Petry.


Hell’s Gate, Fraser Canyon

This is Hell’s Gate, in the Fraser Canyon of British Columbia. The Canyon walls rise far above the River in this area, and it is one of the most interesting and beautiful areas of western Canada. It is usually a surprise for tourists when they view the physical beauty of the river and mountains, and…


You Never Know

This is Jeff Deslauriers as a rookie pro in the uniform of the Edmonton Roadrunners. He was 20, and the year was 04-05. His journey from the 2002 Entry Draft to the starting job at the NHL level in 09-10 is a long and winding road. 


Reasonable Expectations: The Rookies

This post begins my annual "reasonable expectations" series. Since there are several wrtiers on Oilers Nation, I’m going to condense all of the players into 5 articles. We begin with the sensational rookies.