My Gino Odjick story

When I heard of the health situation of Gino Odjick I felt very sad for him and his family. Although we never played together on the same team, I always felt we had a unique bond.


Analytics vs. the Rest of the Hockey world

I have been out of the NHL for three full years now. As a player I never once heard of advanced stats inside our dressing room. A coach never brought it to our attention or discussed it with us individually or as a group. Since then the analytical part of the game has picked up…

Looking Ahead: The 2014-15 Power Play

#484499253 / gettyimages.com Last season the Oilers took a step backwards on the power play. Their success rate dropped three percent, going from twenty to seventeen. The team ranked just twenty-first in the NHL at the end of the year.


Justin Schultz Becoming More

#484062069 / gettyimages.com Jake Gardiner signed a nice deal with the Leafs this weekend. Five years at roughly four million a season. Not a crazy number for the Leafs to swallow. Gardiner has got some stability contract wise, something NHL players love to have. Now that the deal is done it is time to park…


Something to Believe in

It has taken me a couple of weeks to get my thoughts in order about this Oilers season.  Before the start of the season I knew this wasn’t a playoff team. I didn’t see why such a huge jump in points was expected.


Playoff Thoughts: Breaking a few Eggs to make an Omelette

Milan Lucic is one of the most unique players in the NHL. His combination of skill, size and absolute nastiness are hard to find. He is the type of player that really affects a lineup. He gives attitude and confidence to every one of his teammates. As a coach or GM I would welcome him…


Lose the Battles but Win the War

I am always amazed how sometimes hockey makes no sense. The Oilers win on Friday night must be driving the Ducks coaches and players over the edge. Other than two areas, the Ducks played a very strong game. Usually against a weaker team two areas don’t make a big difference.


Well Done Yak, Well Done

Since March 13th’s game against the Blues, as a group the Oilers have been much more engaged. Twice the Blues surrounded Taylor Hall and there were none of his Oiler teammates to be found. In my last entry I detailed the reasons this is unacceptable on any closely knit team.


Olympic Hockey Thoughts

I played with many Russians in my time in professional hockey. I was always amazed by their skill and skating ability. After being traded to the Vancouver Canucks, during my first practice I was taught a harsh lesson on Russian ability by Pavel Bure and Alexander Mogilny.


Wakey, Wakey, Eggs and Bacon!

  The Oilers start their four game road trip off with a tough match up this Saturday against the Boston Bruins. The Bruins are playing well and they will want to bank points going into the Olympic break.