The Real Winner of the Oilers’ Rebuild

The rebuild isn’t over – but there is already a clear winner.

There are those out there passionately committed to the idea of a bottom-to-top rebuild, a systematic restructuring of the Edmonton Oilers that sees the team wander for an unspecified but finite time in the hockey wilderness before finally emerging into the promised land. They include fans, columnists both paid directly by the Oilers and financially independent of the organization, and undoubtedly people in the team’s management structure.

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There are others who see the rebuild as an exercise in futility as long as the current management leads the way. The Oilers hit the lowest point in franchise history under this group, the reasoning goes; there’s no need to allow them to repeat their mistakes.

Both schools of thought miss the fact that the rebuild has already been a fantastic success in what is likely the most important area for its primary author.

Steve Tambellini took the helm of the Oilers in the summer of 2008. It’s a date that many have quibbled with and in all likelihood will continue to quibble with, but it’s an important date to remember. There are those among both fans and the media who like to obfuscate the issue, to suggest that Tambellini really took the helm at the 2009 trade deadline, or the summer of 2009, or when the rebuild was officially declared midway through 2009-10, or possibly when the Oilers drafted Taylor Hall at the 2010 Draft.

Such stories are always presented without anything remotely tangible in terms of proof, leaving the reader to debate their merit based on his personal opinion of both the writer presenting it, and how the Oilers are run; the latter typically influenced heavily by the same hope that has created a groundswell of support for the Oilers’ rebuilding work.

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The stories are fuelled either by conjecture or by the dark whispers of unnamed sources, as no writer to date has managed to get someone with firsthand knowledge to go on record about how the transition from Kevin Lowe to Steve Tambellini has transpired, and identify a clear date of power transfer other than the one on the official record.


All such stories, without some sort of tangible evidence, run directly counter to the law of parsimony, commonly called Occam’s Razor. Occam’s Razor tells us that when presented with differing explanations of fact, we should accept the one that requires the least amount of assumption.

We, then, are faced with a choice. We can choose to believe that Steve Tambellini, a well-respected hockey man with a long run at a largely successful team, a man whose name frequently came up under the heading of ‘guys ready to run an NHL team who aren’t doing it yet’ abandoned the number two role in Vancouver for the same role in Edmonton, with the caveat that he was to be the franchise’s public face and take the blame whenever anything went sour.

This belief also requires Kevin Lowe, who supposedly is pulling the strings, to have fired a whole bunch of people who had spent nearly a decade working for him. Or, we can choose to believe that Tambellini and his solid pre-Edmonton resume really did take over when he was hired, and that Kevin Lowe has moved into the same sort of elder statesman role that men like Jim Devellano in Detroit, Bob Clarke in Philadelphia, and Pierre Lacroix in Colorado have taken. Barring tangible evidence to the contrary, the latter explanation is clearly simpler, and clearly superior.

The confusion about how the Oilers are really structured has done a few different things. It’s led to some running jokes about Tambellini version 3.2., as though the general manager were an edition of software to be tweaked and re-launched by the media every few months. It’s led to a hesitancy when ascribing certain organizational moves to Tambellini.

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The other thing it has done is allowed Steve Tambellini to run from his record.


Keep in mind what happened in the summer of 2009. The 2008-09 Oilers had high expectations; the 2007-08 squad had rallied late in the year and produced young stars like Sam Gagner, Andrew Cogliano, and Robert Nilsson. When the team failed to meet those expectations, Tambellini held a fire and brimstone press conference.

He talked about a “commitment to win at any cost” and said that he would “not put up with” an “unemotional game.” He made it clear that players, coaches and executives would be held accountable. His rhetoric, as well as the announced departure of head coach Craig MacTavish, won over a lot of fans. My own reaction to the press conference was optimistic:

Obviously, time will tell, but based on this press conference I think this organization is in good hands.

Tambellini made significant moves to back up his rhetoric, not just at the preceding year’s trade deadline, but also over the summer. He brought in two men – Pat Quinn and Tom Renney – who worked with him in Vancouver, and filled various support positions with their choices or people (such as Fredric Chabot) that Tambellini would be familiar with from his extensive involvement with Hockey Canada.


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The Oilers made an increasingly desperate pitch for Dany Heatley, one that ultimately failed. Almost lost in the Heatley kerfuffle was the decision to fix the goaltending situation for the next four years by tossing money at Nikolai Khabibulin, the veteran goaltender who backstopped Tampa Bay to a Stanley Cup victory right before the lockout.

Quinn, highly regarded as a motivator and welcomed by the majority of Oilers fans, immediately set about altering the strategic approach of the team. Gone was Craig MacTavish’s line-matching, with units carefully tailored to and deployed in careful situations. Instead, Quinn espoused balance, sprinkling toughness on every unit (out of training camp, the Oilers top trio was Shawn Horcoff, Ales Hemsky, and Jean-Francois Jacques) and rolling his lines in a regular 1-2-3-4 rhythm.

The results of all this change were catastrophic. Ales Hemsky and Nikolai Khabibulin both fell to injury relatively early in the season. Backup goaltender Jeff Deslauriers, who Tambellini had felt so strongly about that he had kept three goalies on the major league roster for the opening months of 2008-09, imploded, despite some bright moments and a commendable willingness to acknowledge his faults.

The Oilers plunged to the worst finish in the entire league.


For Steve Tambellini, this could have been disastrous. He’d had a full year to assess the Oilers top to bottom, to study and understand and make a plan. He’d been employed by a divisional rival for a much longer period of time, and should have been familiar with both the team itself and the league as a whole. In the summer of 2009 Tambellini was, in short, in a position to both understand precisely the changes necessary and to make those changes happen.

We’ve described his solution above. At the time, fiery but shakily-based defenses were made by supporters of the team. Khabibulin was a vital cog; the team MVP before being injured, argued Tambellini. What would Pittsburgh look like without Marc-Andre Fleury and Sidney Crosby, chimed in fans at this website.

Both at the time and in hindsight, such defenses ring hollow. Khabibulin’s signing was roundly pilloried by various statistically inclined people online (dubbed “a loser move for a loser franchise” by blogger Tyler Dellow); now, three years into his often shaky and injury-prone tenure, it’s impossible to argue coherently that his acquisition was a wise move. The simple fact is that Tambellini’s cure in the summer of 2009 did not work. 

Not only did it not work; it backfired spectacularly.


Tambellini could have attempted to solve these problems conventionally, taking the high pick in 2010 and then attempting to turn things around immediately. It would have been a tough job. Entering his third summer with the Oilers, it seems hardly likely that he would have been given a lot of leeway to try and correct things.

Instead, Tambellini did something else: he instituted a rebuild. The great thing about a wholesale demolition and rebuilding of a hockey club is that there is simply no way to fail for the first few years – if the team plays poorly, it’s because the man in charge intended it to play poorly; if they play well, then things are ahead of schedule thanks to the brilliance of the man in charge. It’s been great for Tambellini, who has essentially been given two full seasons of carte blanche by the majority of the media covering the team.

It’s done more than that, however. Critics of Tambellini typically point to his actions in 2009 as his worst work. That’s nearly three years ago now.  Between confusion as to when Tambellini really took charge, complaints about the mess left for him by Kevin Lowe, and the decision to launch the rebuild, those charges are easily forgotten or ignored.


Since then, Steve Tambellini hasn’t really done anything terrible because he hasn’t really done much of anything substantive. He sent the oft-pilloried Dustin Penner away for futures. He inked Ales Hemsky to a short-term deal. Beyond that, it’s been all about role players, draft picks and the promise of a brighter future when those draft picks mature.

By even the most critical accounts, the rebuild has succeeded in bringing in high-end talent. Taylor Hall and Ryan Nugent-Hopkins have been superb additions. Young players that Tambellini inherited from Lowe – Eberle, Gagner, Petry, Dubnyk, Smid – have helped greatly. The Oilers, though still near the bottom of the Western Conference, have shaved their goal differential down to something approaching respectability; the darkest night would seem to be in the rearview mirror.

Yet, regardless of whether Tambellini can transform a collection of young, raw talent into a Stanley Cup contender, the rebuild has already succeeded completely in an important way. It has saved Tambellini: both his job with the team, and his reputation around the league.

The Oilers were in such a mess in 2009-10 that robust efforts to turn the team around immediately – as opposed to a passive rebuild with an indefinite timetable – would almost certainly have failed. Had those efforts been made, and had they failed, it seems probable that someone else would now be the general manager of the Oilers. It also seems unlikely that Tambellini would have been a candidate for the top job with another team.


Now, things have changed. The majority of media coverage – even that coverage not directly paid for by the Oilers – speaks favourably of the rebuild. Most fans are onboard. Even those who don’t believe Tambellini has the ability to mold these pieces into a contender acknowledge, for the most part, that the young talent in the Oilers’ organization is a solid foundation to build a championship squad from.

It all goes back to the winter of 2010, when the rebuild was officially launched. It may or may not eventually lead the Oilers to a championship. Without question, though, it added years to Steve Tambellini’s tenure as general manager.

If you’re Steve Tambellini, that’s a major victory in and of itself.

  • I just saw the Canadiens go to 29th, bungle trades, lose respectability for the way they handle themselves off ice, and immediately fire the guy that did it.

    The Oilers give guys with that kind of an NHL resume extensions.

    The “Rebuild” was perfect for Tambi. You are bang on. No consequences, not even an explanation needed for failure. It was “by design”.

    We cant even agree what year of the rebuild this is. Year 2 even though it started 3 seasons ago? How does that work?

    “The greatest trick Tambellini ever pulled was convincing the world he didnt exist” – Verbal Kent

  • RexLibris

    Thanks for that article Jonathan. It was a very good, balanced summation of Tambellini’s time thus far and, I think, a valid examination of the state of the franchise when he was hired.

    I have gone on Flamesnation and defended the Oilers against the accusations of “infinibuild” routinely, as well as countered the, in my opinion, false suggestion that the team intentionally tanked in 2009-10. The term I have always used is that the team was faced with a meagre existence, pitiable depth and talent, and a horrible reputation around the league. Management, and perhaps moreso ownership, had the courage to face that situation and decide on the long-term solution, rather than the more expedient and popular quick-fix.

    I haven’t accused them of being wise, but people don’t usually call you that until well after your decisions have been made and the consequences weighed.

    The decisions made by the management group are not ones that I would always endorse, but at the very least they can be said to strive for a goal that I can support: to be a dominant team in this league for a decade. They aren’t looking to win a Cup (again, in my opinion) as some other Canadian teams have in the last decade. Instead I would suggest that they want to become the next dynasty, winning multiple championships, and they will spend the required amount of time walking through the valley of the shadow of death to do it if it gives them a chance.

    I don’t know that I really trust Tambellini or Lowe not to somehow screw this up, but who wouldn’t? There are no sure things, especially in sports. Case in point: if Darcy Regier decides to swallow his pride and let that Vanek offer sheet go through then Hall and Eberle are playing for Lindy Ruff right now and Oiler fans are gnashing their teeth.

    We here on the Nations have the easiest gig in the world. We get to analyze and dissect every decision and weigh what could have been done. It’s no different than looking back at old drafts and saying “why on earth didn’t they take _____?”. If it were that easy this league would look a lot different.

    Flames fans have ridiculed the Oilers and their fans for the last few years. I’ve been a regular commenter over at FN for two years now and have defended the choice of a slow, deliberate rebuild. In the last month many of those fans have become openly covetous of the Oiler’s future (present even) and are now vocally indignant over the direction, ownership and management of the Flames.

    The Flames could rebuild like the Oilers, but something that is often forgotten by both sides it seems (or at least is never mentioned) is that were the Flames to sell-off and rebuild this summer they would have at that time more valuable assets to move than the Oilers did when they began this same process. The Oilers situation in the spring of 2010 was so bad that there weren’t even any players we could have traded to bring back high-end prospects.

    I have concerns about Tambellini for the future. However, I’ll give credit where I believe it is due. He has been patient and made some shrewd moves in trading Grebeshkov, Cogliano, Penner, O’Sullivan, and Staios for both immediate help (Vandermeer) and picks. More than anything, though, is that I have seen in Tambellini the first indication of hockey intelligence: he is surrounding himself with what presumably are smart and talented hockey people. MacGregor, Gare, Sutter (I can’t believe I just wrote that), Chabot, Serdachny, and others have contributed to making this an overall effort.

    Contrast that to the result of single-opinion dominance currently writhing away in pain down at the other end of the QE2 and I think I will take this management and ownership group over many others in the NHL today.

    Sorry for the rant, but I wanted to get that on record here.

    • Reg Dunlop

      Well done,sir. Nothing that I can argue with, but my impatience and the certainity I have that I could do a much better job than Tambi, regardless of my lack of credentials, remains.

      Taking a step back, the oil of 3 years ago were no better than an expansion team, maybe worse off because of some bad existing contracts. We are better today and much better off than the phlegms and makebeleafs. Some important skill positions are filled, Gilbert for Schultz was a good move, young d prospects are plentyful; if we can aquire some gristle we are on our way.

  • @ DSF:

    Tallon’s done some good things – sometimes it seems like the will to act is in short supply and there’s no questioning that he has that.

    With that said, most of this piece could have been written about Tallon in Chicago, who brought in a slew of high-end free agents (spending money on Khabby, Aucoin, Spacek and Lapointe in particular) who promptly imploded.

    He’s also the kind of guy who overpays – and it cost Chicago in the end, though it certainly helped them to their Cup – and I think we’ve seen that with some the choices made in Florida (Jovanovski in particular). Toss in Florida’s goal differential and I don’t think we should be singing Tallon’s praises just yet.

    • RexLibris


      Tallon has turned the Panthers around in a single season. yay. Now, what happens with the Panthers three or four season from now? Are they in the same position, battling for a high playoff seeding by winning one of the weakest divisions in the NHL?

      The Panthers are also financially required to build a competitive team immediately. Their draft picks are predominantly due to their awful seasons prior to Tallon.

      While I think Tallon absolutely deserved to get that Cup ring from Chicago, he is a bit of a loose cannon in hiring free agents and it is my hope that if the Oilers don’t learn from Detroit’s success that they at least learn from Chicago’s failures. In other words don’t go an sign a Bryan Campbell-esque contract that monkeys your cap situation for years to come. Don’t mess with your RFAs (something that was actually Stan Bowman’s responsibility and he is the one who took Tallon’s job after Tallon ultimately took the blame) and don’t get impatient.

      Everybody was ready to hand Steve Yzerman Manager of the Year last season and I feel the same way with him that I do with Tallon. I like Yzerman and I have high hopes for him as an executive. That being said, he needs to actually prove that he can do the job. He’s a storied and respected player and he has a sterling apprenticeship, but at some point you have to be judged on your own body of work.

      Tambellini has some of the same Hockey Canada job experience that Yzerman and Bob Nicholson have. Yet if offered the choice most Oiler fans would seemingly jump at either of the latter two choices simply because, ever since Sather left, nobody has been considered good enough.

      As I’ve said before, I’m not trying to be a Tambellini apologist, but we have to give him time. And I’d rather a patient GM when the team needs to restock and accumulate prospects than one whose motto is “Ready-Fire-Aim”.

    • DSF

      One would have to assume that Tallon has learned some lessons overtime.

      Other than the Jovo contract, vitally every move he made last off season seems to have paid off in spades.

      I agree the Panthers goal differential is cause for attention but they seem capable of winning a lot of low scoring games which may set them up very well for playoff hockey.

  • Lexi

    When I look closely at every team and evaluated their organization I am amazed at how almost all the managements could be considered mediocre at best (which makes it hard to believe the Oilers could finish back to back 30th). In fact I could make a reasonable case for the Oilers being better than every team in the West in the next three years..

    Pittsburgh and Vancouver seem to be very well run and I am especially impressed at how they have built a deep no-name defense. It could be argued that the teams biggest benefit comes from the 2 for 1.5 discount the Sedins give Vancouver and Staal taking a contract 2mill below his market value.

    I believe Detroit and Philly benefit more from having the best long term owners who have created winning atmospheres which makes the sum of the whole of the organization greater than the sum of the parts.

    If I compare the Oilers rebuild to Pittsburgh, we seem right at the time they hired Shero. Now the interesting thing is Shero’s first draft was picking Staal over Toews and there is not another player he has drafted that has stuck in the NHL, including picking Angelo Esposito with the 20th pick in 2007, plus his first coach was Michel Therrien and they still made the Stanley Cup finals in 2 years after finishing last in the league with 58 points.

    When I look at most of top teams in the NHL, I realize the Oilers have accomplished the hardest part and that is having some elite young talent from which to build on. The thing I like best about Hall, RNH, Eberle is they are extremely focused and hardworking and that in my mind is crucial to building a winning team, as in my experience, teams take their leads from their best players whether they are captain or not. It could be argued that the difference between Pittsubrgh and Washington is the difference in the approach Crosby takes versus Ovechkin’s, and Nashville is considered an elite team because of Weber’s leadership and drive, while LA (which looked like the up and coming team 2 years ago) might get their GM fired due to Doughty being not the most dedicated guy. I love that our guys seem closer to Crosby/Toews/Lidstrom types versus Ovechkin/Kane/Thornton types.

    I look at Chicago which hired an overmatched Denis Savard as their coach, completely mismanaged the salary cap, screwed up filing some paperwork and never found an elite goalie and they still won a Stanley Cup within 6 years of drafting Cam Barker 3rd overall and look like they will be at least a playoff team for the next five years.

    My point is if ST is mediocrely competent (I am under no illusions he will ever be an elite GM) that should be good enough as it is a crapshoot to figure out who will be a great GM. If he is incompetent and they don’t get rid of him then we will be the Islanders West.

  • Bucknuck

    I see two great things that Tambellini did. He fired Kevin Prendergast, and he signed Hemsky to another contract.

    Honourable mention goes to getting Jones off of waivers, and for getting Ryan Smyth back.

    Three years… and that’s all we have to show for it. I sure hope they choose another GM for the next two years. Please oh please.

    • Bucknuck

      In all fairness Tambo had next to nothing to do with Smyth coming back it was basically handed to him on a silver platter.

      And I still don’t see where Tambo has made hardly any improvements. Almost anyone can improve a team with back to back first round picks.

  • a lg dubl dubl

    I love that Tambellini interview video. You can hear him let one rip at 0:26, and he spends the rest of the interview trying not to laugh about it.

    Yes, I’m 12.

  • Since ST’s appearence, I see a team that competes almost every night compared to one that usually did not. That may be coaching or managemnt choices, but as the article indicates that was the primary objective. In my view, the inmates started running the jail when or soon after Smyth was traded. Look at the record. Most of thos players are no longer with the team Soureh, Penner, Neilson, seemed among the most problematic to me. Morrow and Staios, less talented but, as senior players, very influential, are also gone. The coaching may or may not be better but, if his role is to improve the team by creating a structure for the young guns and new worker bees to develop within, only the management really knows for sure. That may well be the case. In my eye the PP is way beter but the kill not so much yet but
    where credit is due it has improved this year It is better even over the last couple months.
    I think to have great expectations for a team with little or no residual ‘talent’ is unrealistic for the time being. But, and it’s as big as Penner’s, next year must see some sound, real and constant improvement.

  • O.C.

    I could go on for hours here, but have work to do. I will keep it quick.

    ST is learning, as we all do. Thank God he n Lowe never signed Heatley (that chasing was a low point for the franchise)

    Is ST better than 4 years ago? Yes.
    Is he better than oh… Feaster or Burke? Yes.
    Is the team positioned better for the next ten years than it was five years ago? Yes, a lot. Imagine how Calgary and Toronto feel about their future right now.

      • Time Travelling Sean

        To be fair he did trade Beauchemin sp? for Lupul AND Gardiner. That Grabo signing is just stupid though. Guys never had more than 60 points. James Neal by comparision…

        • Much like Steve Tambellini he’s made a handful of good moves, but for the most part everything he’s done has fell flat on it’s face.

          And, I mean, some of that is just bad luck (injuries) but I never thought he was this great GM the likes of which we haven’t seen since Sam Pollock like an alarming amount of people seem to think he was/is. I think I’m mostly just happy because when he first got the Toronto gig my friend went ON AND ON AND ON about how great Brian Burke is and how there’s no way the Leafs wouldn’t win multiple cups now. HOW DOES THE SMUG TASTE NOW ANTHONY?? HUH?

          P.S I also think that Lupul suffers from Burrows Syndrome; a good player who’s stats are inflated like crazy thanks to awesome line mates. Also see Hartnell, Scott. But I agree that was a great trade on the Leafs end.

      • O.C.

        Nice. That’s four years old. Really shows that Burke was and is all bark and no performance.

        You would expect he would have learned… That ego is just too big.

  • Lexi

    The law of parsimony is very short for some reason, but I think I can see something in there about guys without an extension being on the leash of guys with one.

  • DSF

    Here we go again. Getting stirred up by the megatroll DSF who has a hardon for a team that is the most unsuccessful franchise in NHL history, has missed the playoffs for a decade, and will finally join the final 16 despite a modest season where they have posted a .480 win percentage. This is the model we should aspire to?

  • book¡e

    JW – There were some suggestions of power shifts in the Oilers management during Tambellini’s second year. For example, there was a point when Tambellini said something like “I have now been given the authority and leeway to do what needs to be done”. I don’t have time to dig up the quote today, but it was something along those lines. That suggests a shift in authority.

    Also, I think you are reaching when you place Lowe in the ‘elder statesman’ role as this was not the message given by the Oilers or Lowe. Lowe discussed being overwhelmed, having made mistakes and the need to pass the day to day management of the team over to someone else while staying involved in a ‘team’ style of management. This suggests some form of management partnership.

    My own guesstimate is that Tambellini came on board and that he and Lowe (and perhaps Katz) worked together on the initial strategy of the Oilers. Given that the Oilers employed the exact same management philosophy that they had prior to Tambellini’s hiring, it is reasonable to suggest that there was some organizational momentum and that perhaps Lowe had a voice equal to or greater than Tambellini. I would not suggest that Tambellini was some puppet in the room, but rather that he was a 1/3 of the decision making team. He may have raised some doubts about the strategy, but through discussion consensus was reached and he agreed on the strategy.

    He may also have been the first one to suggest changing strategy. He may have suggested to Katz and Lowe prior to the season that given the difficulty they had amassing talent in Edmonton, perhaps the way to go was to tank. Not “I am quitting this sinking ship unless we go the tank route”, but rather “I am on board with going for it this year as we have agreed, but if things don’t work out, we will want to consider going the rebuild and draft route”.

    I realize that all of this is fairly weakly argued here, but my take on the situation is based upon listening to the statements made by Tambellini and others involved with the team and reading into them.

    I might be totally wrong about the pre-tank period, but you might also be. There was some power sharing when Tambellini came in, we really don’t know exactly how it worked or how it shifted over time.

    • This is pretty much where my thinking has been as well. The groveling at Heatley’s feet and the Khabi contract both reek of Kevin Lowe trying to recapture that lighting in a bottle he found after bringing Pronger to town. The “we just need that one marquee player to put us back on track” line of thinking. Although at the same time I guess I can see those as being the moves of a new GM coming into town and wanting to make a splash right off the bat. But considering how many people love to harp on the fact that Tambo “sits on his hands” that feels a lot less plausible.

      Like you and JW and a bunch of people have already said, who knows what was really going on, but from looking at it from the comfort of my underwear behind a computer screen I’ve been under the impression that Tambo didn’t really take hold of the reigns until until the summer of 2010.

      • DieHard

        You really just nailed WHY the Edmonton Oilers needed to do a “burn-to-the-ground” and REBUILD. We weren’t one player away (ala Calgary) from NHL nirvana. We were an entire organization away. We need to build a new identity, a new commitment, a place where people wanted to play. We are at the start of a new beginning and it’s looking good even if we eventually change GM’s and coaches (which we will).

      • Some of this discussing seems like so much like shooting fish in a barrel.

        Any reasonably non-inept hockey management type could have come in here and done what Tambellini has done up until the start of this season.

        What will really mark him as a good GM or a poor one is how he handles the transition from building to contending, and how fast that transition is.

        I’m guardedly optimistic that he can, because each half-season he’s taken a step up as a GM,

        Case in point, ambellini of 2009 couldn’t make the signings of this summer and Tambellini of 2010 couldn’t get a Hemsky signing done or make a difficult and fan-undfriendly trade to really improve our defense.

  • book¡e

    Here is one of the statements – Jan, 2010.

    “Our fans need to know that our owner, Daryl Katz, has given me complete authority to do what has to be done to bring this organization back to a spot where all areas of the organization are not good, but great,” Tambellini said on Tuesday afternoon.

    So, does that suggest that he didn’t have authority previously? Or that he had been pressing Katz to go another direction and only recently ‘won him over’ or what? Hard to say, but worthy of consideration.

  • book¡e

    2008 – when Tambellini was hired.

    “We realize that there’s more and more demands in this business at this level,” said Lowe. “In order to get the job done you need many people doing it so it’s really as simple as that.”

    It looks as though Tambellini and Lowe will work closely together as a management team. “This guy (Lowe) isn’t going anywhere and I don’t want him to go anywhere,” Tambellini said. “We’re going to work hard as a management team and come up with solutions in how we go forward.”

    • You’re definitely raising good points, but again what we’re doing is peering into the tea leaves here.

      Tambellini’s January 2010 statement can be interpreted as meaning ‘now, at long last, I have the keys to the manor’ or ‘listen guys, I’m in charge here, I have the authority, all this talk that I don’t is nonsense.’

      The 2008 statements can be interpreted as meaning ‘together through thick and thin, decisions we make’ or ‘listen, I’m the boss but of course I’ll keep taking the calls of the guy who hired me.’

      Either way, there’s ambiguity. Looking at that ambiguity, I tend to believe that the simplest explanation – the one outlined in this piece – is accurate. It’s my preference that it not be; it would be nice to be able to ignore Tambellini’s pre-rebuild work. I just don’t think that fits with the moves made.

      • book¡e

        Fair enough – I wouldn’t fully ignore his pre-rebuild work, but I do think he is a better GM today than he was then and that he is more ‘fully’ in command of things than he was initially.

        Given the difficulty in assessing a GM in the tank years of a rebuild, I will give him part of next season (where there can be little doubt about the organization’s goal being to compete) before assessing his ability to lead the team forward.

  • book¡e

    Anyway, I am not trying to be obnoxious, just seeking out a few of the posts that led me to believe it was not so ‘cut and dried’ as Tambellini coming in as as the new GM with dictator like powers (as one suspects Burke comes in with) and enacting his plan.

    I agree with much of your article. Tambellini got a free ride or at least an extended one by taking the ‘tanking it’ route.