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Another week, another mind bending episode of the Real Life podcast featuring yours truly, former NHL star Jason Strudwick and current radio star Jason Gregor.

This week – a guest! Long time Oilers Head Equipment Manager turned Manager of the Oilers Alumni Barrie Stafford joined us this week. We tried to get the low down on all sorts of things and shock of shocks Stafford confirmed to Gregor that Strudwick was a high maintenance player in his time with the team. 

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I tried to get him to spill the beans on who was a wild man in the room over the years but Stafford showed me the door to the vault of Oilers secrets and said “you shall not pass.” Sleep easy Oilers alumni, steely eyed Barrie Stafford ain’t telling none of your secrets. Strudwick as an actual NHL player got along fine with the 30 year employee of the Edmonton Oilers calling him “Staffie” and exchanging knowing eye rolling glances on a regular basis throughout the show.

Give a listen right here.

Listen to Real Life on Soundcloud here, and on iTunes here. Why not even smash that subscribe button on iTunes – every time you do an angel gets it’s wings!*

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*No actual angel, no actual wings.