For the first time in the 2017 NHL Playoffs (which the Oilers are in for the 1st time in 11 years btw) we find ourselves trailing in the second round (meaning we got past the 1st) and people be TRIPPIN! Since when does an NHL record for collapse mean we panic around these parts?

Now it’s the first time the Oil have trailed in the series and only the second time trailing in the playoffs so far. But to the boo birds in the tree it’s the end of days, the referees should be drawn and quartered, the world is stacked against us and everything is over.

Sounds to me like Oilers fans enjoying the highs and lows of the very first playoffs of Connor McDavid’s illustrious career. Is blowing a 3-0 lead with 4 minutes to go with the series tied an R-rated horror show? No question. Is it less terrifying than listening to MacT at the end of yet another failed regular season acknowledge the Oilers are already screwed next year? You be the judge.

Did letting that rat bastard Corey Perry score in the 2nd OT period let the air out of an already pretty deflated balloon? Maybe. But how were you feeling the first OT period as the Oil swarmed the Ducks with wave after wave of offense? I even found myself cheering on Pouliot because he was so dialled in.

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Benoit Pouliot.

A man so unpopular in Edmonton that Apple released a poop emoji to save us all time tweeting how much he sucks. Pouliot is roaring. Let that settle in.


Remember in that one Terminator sequel when they are in some bunker building and they walk past the T-1 model? And you think to yourself “That ain’t Arnold. That Terminator can’t say ‘I’ll be back.’ That just looks like a giant Segway with some Gatling guns welded on.”

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But secretly know in the back of your mind that that is an early model of a Terminator. You know what it turns into eventually and recall how that Terminator Cop went right through the hole in the windshield. You know what’s coming when you see that T-1. Even if it ain’t there yet, it is a dangerous, dangerous thing to be developing.

The Oilers are the early T-1 terminator. They aren’t fully formed – they are missing some pieces and upgrades and hardware to be sure. But the danger is already there. Danger to the league. Danger to other teams. Danger to themselves. Danger.

They can go up 2-0 on the Ducks on the road. Danger. They can also come unglued and drop the next 3 in a row. Danger.  That’s what the early terminators were all about. They were as much a threat to themselves as to the humans but you knew they were on the right track.  Or the wrong track – depending if you were cheering for humanity’s survival.

The Oilers are on the right track. Honestly conclude we are screwed with McDavid roaring around wearing the C at the age of 20. He just had his first multi point game of the playoffs and has 9 points in 11 games and some people are all “PSH THAT’S NOTHING.” Please.

Tell me we are screwed when Adam Larsson just played like 47 minutes cause Sekera went down. That’s more than Pronger minutes (spits) What a workhorse. Tell me we are screwed with Drai and Talbot dominating most nights and the Little Nuge doing his best to will playoff beard hairs onto his face every night before bed.

Please. I’d take this lineup over every other team in the league.

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Are we forgetting the Oilers just took a 3-2 deficit against the absolute KINGS of blowing 3-2 series leads? You know why Getzlaf ran the Messier haircut from a young age? Cause all his hair fell out stressing about blowing all them 3-2 series leads over the years. Its true – google it.

As the immortal Jack Michaels took time to note on twitter “Anaheim’s season has ended in each of the last 4 years the exact same way: a Game 6 loss on the road, followed by a Game 7 defeat at home.”

The Oilers have a pattern of how their seasons have ended too. They realistically end in November, they mail it in until April and then we all sit around and wait for Lowetide to get us mildly jazzed about a Czech player we absolutely must steal in the 5th round of the draft. Seems to me we are having a much different time now no matter how this all ends.

So have a beer and a smile and try and tell me the order of the 2017 Entry Draft. Tell me the last time you watched an Oilers playoff game in shorts with no snow on the ground. Exactly.


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I say bring on G6 and whatever the Ducks can throw at us. Bring the roar of a gillion Orange Oilers fans who will cheer as though everything is on the line cause it is. Bring on Rob Clark letting us sing the anthem at the top of our lungs and any audio video mishaps that may come.

Your ol’ pal Wanye here will put a guarantee on the board that I am the drunkest man in the building by puck drop and will probably be taken out in zip tie handcuffs the minute the Oilers do something awesome. But as the members of the EPS lead me out of the building in the prone position I will be smiling.

Smiling because I know the Oilers are getting their shit together and gaining every type of playoff experience in their first year in the post season.

And like someone who has seen a T-1000 live – I know what is coming.

  • oilredemption

    Honestly put a fork in the oilers they are done. I am the biggest fan but they have no answer for getzlaf. Not to mention lucic is completely out of gas and making bone head plays. Poo is far superior to him in the playoffs and it’s not even close and that’s not a good thing. We are out of gas fellas. It’s been an amazing run and our future looks so bright and I am going to cheer and cheer until someone says to go home but unless we find another level against the ducks we are screwed.

  • SedinsForever500

    Alberta teams will never be able to win a series against the Ducks. Face it. Alberta is one sad, sad province. Might as well move to Victoria, and Kelowna, and maybe the Lames and Choklers will have better luck?!?

    • McDavid's Comet

      Better luck? Like Cansucks luck in the draft? I’m sure you will enjoy being the Oilers and Flames B*t*ches’ for the next 12 yrs. LMAO!

      Norman Bates mom agreed with him too, good luck with that JackA$$.

    • Retired Secret Agent

      Dude, the thing the mods on this site say is “pretend your mom is reading over your shoulder”. If she did, she would be crushed to realize she had raised such an ignorant, puerile, infantile and small minded individual. Grow up and get a life outside your Mom’s basement!!!

      • SedinsForever500

        Just looked up “Alberta”, “Edmonton”, and “Calgary” in the dictionary. Funny I couldn’t find “good hockey” anywhere in their definitions?!?

        • m3sh

          Laughable. Nuck cups? I’ll wait… Nuck “fan” riots as they choke in game 7? Where’s that fanbase now as you stare down the barrel of who knows how many years out of the post-season. I relish your pain (cuz I know it well).

          How’s that 5th overall in the draft?

          (i know, i know… don’t feed the troll…)

          • SedinsForever500

            And I seem to remember McDavid and Talbot helping Team Canada to win the 2017 IIHF WHC in Paris?? Hmmm… Oh yeah! That’s right! It all happened after the Choklers’ ship hit the iceberg known as Ryan Getzlaf + Ryan Kesler + Corey Perry, and sank in a whopping three minutes!! Talk about speed!

        • Tikk Talk

          Dude, I’m also from BC, shut the hell up, you are an embarrassment and a troll. You are attacking a great Western Canadian province, supposedly because you have a crush on the Sedins?… Grow up fool.

      • SedinsForever500

        You seem to be forgetting about that mess on Whyte Avenue in 2006! That’s what happens when you gather a bunch of blue-collared, classless Chokler fans that can’t drink, and put ’em together!

    • KBiZZy

      You trolls are awesome. Since the last time the Oilers made the playoffs, how many rings did the Sedin sisters win? The exact same amount as the Oilers – We are in the playoffs, Have Captain Conor and a little known fan by the Name of Gretzky attending our games.