Photo Credit: Perry Nelson-USA TODAY Sports

Oilers trade Caggiula, Garrison to Blackhawks

Early Sunday, the Oilers made a splash acquiring Alex Petrovic in exchange for Chris Wideman and a 2019 3rd round pick.

Postmedia’s Jim Matheson and Sportsnet’s Mark Spector tweeted shorly thereafter the team likely wasn’t done, and now it appears the Oilers are looking at a deal with the Chicago Blackhawks.

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The deal, now made official by the Chicago Blackhawks, isn’t a deal that gets me very excited.

Manning, who is infamously known for breaking Connor McDavid’s collarbone in his rookie year and allegedly admitted intent to do so, is not a good defenceman. He has three points in 27 games this year playing 15.5 minutes a game and his goals for/against is

He, without a doubt, is not a better defenceman than Kris Russell, Alex Petrovic, Matt Benning, or Jason Garrison, so what is the point in bringing in another bottom-tier defender?

Let’s not even get started about how bad the optics are of trading for a player who seriously injured your franchise player, and best player in the world.

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While Caggiula is a player who has largely struggled during his time in Edmonton, he is quietly having his strongest NHL season. You could make a good argument that the Oilers lack of forward depth is a bigger need than that of an already busy defensive corp.

On top of that, Caggiula is due $1.5-million this year and next, while Manning is owed $2.25-million over the same time. No need to increase a payroll for a team that already has cap issues, if you ask me.

Norell isn’t a guy who checks many boxes in his own right. The 23-year-old, 5’11, 192 lb defenceman, has three assists in 28 SHL games this year.

He spent all of the last two seasons in the AHL, scoring a modest 18 points in 128 games.

I just… don’t get this trade. While I personally don’t have any information to suggest this, I can’t imagine this is the last of the deals to come.

Mainly, because the trades today don’t really make the Oilers better.

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On Twitter: @zjlaing

  • Hakuna Mcdavid

    Guys, look at Manning’s deeper stats before Chicago. Could be decent, and it’s a very low risk in a disappointing season. STOP TRYING TO RUN PEOPLE OUT OF TOWN BEFORE THEY EVEN PLAY

  • Big Jacks Meat

    Well everyone despised Kassian for breaking Gagners face , but then fell in love with him. Manning will be forgiven. He played for his team and did what he had to do , right or wrong. Now , he will stand up for Connor. Its Hockey people, stuff happens. Mcdavid will probably have him over for supper.

    • Chris_Cruise

      You’re right. Bad plays happen. But he crossed the line with the taunting.

      Pointing at his own collarbone and laughing at Connor showed Manning’s true colors.

      Is that even someone you’d want on your roster if they were a top player? Let alone risk animosity in the dressing room over a nobody??! We’re not talking Drew Daughty or Brent Burns here. We’re talking about a complete nobody who could have ended Connor’s career, and luckily it was only the season.

    • Chris_Cruise

      You’re right. Bad plays happen. But he crossed the line with the taunting.

      Pointing at his own collarbone and laughing at Connor showed Manning’s true colors.

      Is that even someone you’d want on your roster if they were a top player? Let alone risk animosity in the dressing room over a nobody??! We’re not talking Drew Daughty or Brent Burns here. We’re talking about a complete nobody who could have ended Connor’s career, and luckily it was only the season.

    • He didn’t just injure anyone, it was McDavid, and he put him out for like 2 months with a broken collarbone, a nasty injury on a dirty play that completely derailed the Oilers season. There’s a difference, like Brashear or McSorley. If McDavid does not extend and allow Manning to kiss the ring, he will be banished from the dressing room to the far reaches of the press box.

        • Lazarus

          Well you will be happy to know no one incident will cost Conner a Stanley Cup in Edmonton. Because that will never even be at their fingertips.
          Believe that. This team is so far from making a playoff push before Conner says “You know what? F@$^ this. I want out. Now. “

        • I don’t think anybody is denying that, but yes the McDavid injury took the Oilers out of it that year. Everybody knows that.

          What I’m saying is there is a difference in the severity of some infractions. Like McSorley, pretty much ended his career. It all hinges on whether or not McDavid extends his gracious hand toward peasant Manning. If not, Manning is as good as dog meat in the dressing room.

          Personally, I think it would be only too ironic to see Manning ride out the season watching McDavid play from the Oilers press box. Serve him right as far as I’m concerned.

    • Chris_Cruise

      Kassian taunted Gags too while he was wired shut or playing with the cage. I can’t remember exactly. That was a terrible douche move and why despite winning fans over in the short term, Kassian will never truly win the hearts of fans over in the big picture. He was classless. Sure he’s matured but not many guys were as classless as him back then.

  • Big Jacks Meat

    Get over it you narrow minded fans. Manning did not give a crap about Connor and who would playing for the opposition ? You think no Oiler has ever done anything classless ? give your heads a shake. You obviously have never played completive sports. Tugging one out does not count. My lord , leave it alone. He is an Oiler now. A TEAM MATE.

    • Chris_Cruise

      Manning is a classless b!tch who doesn’t deserve to have his name on the same game sheet as 97. Get out of here with this “never played competitive sports” BS. Nothing screams dud more than someone trying to validate themselves on a forum. Let’s just assume most of us have and still play competitive sports ya donkey

    • rnj

      Yeah I bet you’ve played hockey. The Cobra Kai Badasses right? Clueless keyboard warrior. Injuring people intentionally isn’t OK, give your head a shake

  • Hakuna Mcdavid

    Again, lateral move. More stress in defense than offense. Change was needed, didn’t want to see caggiula go but he was essentially found money anyway out of college. Excited to see how this Oilers team looks because it can’t be worse

    • nijames

      That’s what they need is another member of the boys club to take over. No Gretzky’s, no lowes no McTavish’s no Coffey’s please. Get some hockey guys in here and run this team.

  • Kneedroptalbot

    Peter Chiarelli single handedly Destroyed this franchise. Bruinizing the team and signing goons, trying to make a Big/Heavy/Slow team and trading away talent at every turn.
    Lucic, Kassian, Spooner, Benning, and now Manning!
    What a GOON squad he has assembled!!

  • Clayton

    Doesn’t suprise me the Oil would bring Manning in. This is the same organization that brought in a guy convicted of vehicular homicide! Perhaps there is more to this acquisition than people think…maybe the Oil just got Chia’s replacement!?

  • Real Oiler Fan since 83

    I don’t get why everyone is losing they brains. Seriously would you rather us stand pat and do nothing? There is not many options out there and quite frankly Mr Caggiula is only noticeable once every 3 games and this is the best league in the world. That isn’t good enough. Benning, widman and Garrison are D men that cannot get the puck out or move anybody in front of the net. Petrovic and Manning play a hard game in the D zone. We need this until Klef, Russell and Sekera are back. Calm down my friends.

    • MrBung

      I would rather the Oilers fire Chia like they should have after last season. This team is making no progress and these desperation moves will do nothing to help the team now or in the future. These deals are getting done only for/by Chia to show he is “doing something”. Important work is done in June, not January. And the current team is a collection of all the poor moves and decisions he has made. The net effect is not good.

    • the reasonable person

      Yes I’d rather them keep draft picks and use cagguila for a pick at the trade deadline in a year where they will challenge for dead last. It’s coming. Florida will like picking 65th overall for the dman they would healthy scratch and would have let walk. This is a sick joke, even before the fact that one of the no-namr D men they added was Manning. Connor must be starting go get unhappy.

    • nijames

      seriously?? all they are doing is changing names in the back of the jerseys The players moved out are slugs and the ones coming in are the same. These trades don’t make the Oilers better or worse just the same. One injury to McDavid away from being the worst team in the league by far,

      • Chris_Cruise

        Why anyone thinks Sekera will be able to jump right into the lineup in a month is crazy.

        Even 20 years olds have a hard time acclimating to the speed of the game if they simply miss training camp! While being injury free and in the prime shape of their lives.

        Sekera, who is no spring chicken, is coming off of a horrendous string of lower body injuries and with a season more than half over.

        It sucks but he really shouldn’t be considered at all this season. The reality is he’s going to be slow, timing and touch will be off. And by the time he shows up the season very well could be lost so what’s the point. Let some young guys get their reps in. IMO anyways.

  • rivid

    All those people complaining about manning being the guy who hurt Conner get over it! Zack kassian did the same thing to Sam Gagne remember? If he turns out to be a good teammate that’s all that matters…. just so you are clear, Mcdavid was asked prior to this trade and gave his ?On it, so if he’s ok then the fans should be too.

  • Bills Bills

    Keith Gretzky will be the GM by the beginning of next season. Maybe before the end of this one.

    Trading one of your only secondary scorers for another number 6 defenseman? Seriously, WTF? Don’t even get me started on the McDavid incident. The guy should have been out of the league.

  • AlexTheOilersFanSince2006

    Words cannot describe how disgusted I am at this. I am absolutely shocked right now. How can you, as a GM, justify trading for the guy who INJURED YOUR STAR PLAYER AND CAPTAIN! Seriously! HAS PC LOST HIS MARBLES? HAS HE GONE INSANE!? WHAT SENSE DOES THIS MAKE? AND YOU TRADED DRAKE! THIS TEAM IS ALREADY STRUGGLING TO SCORE AND SO YOU TRADE ONE OF THE FEW SCORERS!?

    Poor Connor. He doesn’t deserve this!

  • rnj

    I’m sure you all remember McDavids response to Manning’s comment: “One of the most classless things I’ve seen on the ice”

    The classiest, never say a bad word about anyone Connor McDavid said this on national TV.

    And you bring in that defenseman, of all the guys in the league, to play behind him? And trade a third rounder and a body for him?

    For those who don’t want to waste time looking: Manning is -6 with 0 points in his last five games.

    Absolutely disgusting. This is trash. I feel betrayed as a fan. Why do we have to throw jerseys and buy billboards to make things happen?

    • Chris_Cruise

      Thank you. We’ll put. Anyone on here justifying this trade as something positive needs to give their head a shake. This was yet another example of no move being better than Pete’s move.

  • GK1980

    Really choked about cags leaving. Brutal just brutal! He shows heart most games and is still young. Gave up on him way too soon. Chia is a fool, a &&$$ing fool.

  • JaketheSnake

    From where I sit it appears the plan going forward is “Broad Street Bullies 2.0″. And if anyone here is old enough to remember the 70’s, their mantra was fairly simple, ” If you can’t beat them, then literally BEAT them.”
    It got the Flyers two cups so what the hell, anything is worth a shot.

  • Spydyr

    Trade Caggiula and Benning for a better defenceman than Manning. Kassian can be moved as well.

    The real issue is that defensive depth should have been addressed the day after Sekera was injured but who could have seen this coming….facepalm.

    • Svart kaffe

      Do you see any teams out there drooling over Benning and Caggiula willing to give up a 2nd pairing defenceman? Adding Kassian’s salary and roster spot doesn’t sweeten the deal for anyone.

      Chiarelli has to do something but right now he hasn’t got much to offer. He can just take a few swings and hope that an underachiever will benefit from a change of scenery.

      With that said, I agree with you that he should have done something way back when Sekera got hurt. Not least because people’s perception of the team after the playoff appearance were better. Now Chiarelli is, once again, dealing from a position of desperation.

    • RJ

      I for one did not see that the lack of defensive depth would impact the Oilers. Sure Sekera was injured, but who could foresee that Klefbom would get injured? Or any other defender?

  • Johnny Zylon

    Now I get it ! It’s an experiment to see how crappy a manager needs to make a team until fans stop showing up. Time for a mercy trade and send McDavid to Los Angeles for some draft picks that the brain trust can use to pick another 3 Steve Kelly’s.

  • Chris_Cruise

    At some point doesn’t character come into play when even contemplating a trade?!

    Seriously, wouldn’t you think there are certain “no-fly” players on the walls of every team’s front office?

    Back in the day, in Anahiem and Philly it would have been Scott Stevens.
    In Pitts it would be Steckel. In Edmonton it would have been Gary Suter in the 80s, maybe Hatcher in the 90s, Kassian or any Canucks in the 2000’s and Manning in the McDavid era.

    Any potential career altering/ending hit or cheap shot by any player on one of your own…..and that guy NEVER gets to have his name on the back of your team’s jersey. Ever!

    How is this not a universal code in the league?

    Am I crazy in thinking that there are just some players you simply cannot trade for in good faith out of the simple respect of your past or present players and fanbase??

  • ed from edmonton

    Anyone who doesn’t think D is the Oiler biggest problem hadn’t been watching since period 3 in Denver. Cags 1st period yesterday might have been the worst period of any player all year. Is Manning better than Garrison? I don’t know but I know Garrison was not part of the answer.